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Saturday 8 February 2020

Post Script Living with Cats

"Everybody is self-responsible for that what he/she does and doesn't do." Voltaire

Many important things in life one can learn from cats, they are not all alike and capable to learn from each other and from us. Some really enjoy living in a big community, cuddling together is great for keeping warm. Occasionally I also found a cat that doesn't seem to like other cats, perhaps isn't even aware of being a cat and not a human being (e.g. my Persian Aisha). Aisha gets along well with Amelie, my other Persian beauty, as well as with sweet Lilly, Daddy's girl. All other cats she doesn't want to  see. Aisha likes to sleep on top of our kitchen cupboard (similar behaviour to a lion on top of a hill, wanting to keep everything under control). As it gets cold in the evening I try to keep my little treasures warm with small blankets, some love it and crawl completely underneath, while others uncover themselves. Not all choose the warmest sleeping place, they have several alternatives, two wooden houses, cardboard boxes, benches, baskets, chairs, their tree with a "cave" and a bowl shaped sitting place as well as a platform. Tomcat Tiger and his sister Sandy usually sleep in our bedroom, sometimes in my arms or even underneath my bedding. Should I oversleep then I have them as my gorgeous alarm clock. Great to be waken up with purring! Kitty, little black with red and a bit of white coloured beauty, who several months ago added herself (sneaked indoors) to our community, one evening walked out. Being worried she might get hit by a car (the fate of too many animals) I tried to fetch her inside again. She decided to play hide and seek with me, mainly underneath cars, then finally disappeared in an unoccupied run down house, from where I couldn't reach her. I called her several times, she came out once, decided I am okay and disappeared inside again to cold dirty floors, rooms with broken windows and no food. You may think with so many cats in my house not a big loss, but this was not at all how I felt. I love each one of my little treasures, each one counts! I felt sad and my husband tried to comfort me saying she will return. Well, finally Kitty decided that "hotel vice mama" is better after all and waited in front of our door for me to come out looking for her once more. So happy to have her back! Several of my fur angels who once arrived as young kittens, have grown up and become big beautiful tomcats or lady cats, while others remained dainty and small like maybe six month old ones. It must be their genes and perhaps the food they received when they were very young. Scientists discovered that following several years of food shortage in North Korea the population grew up shorter in size. It is not necessarily better food that leads to taller folks though, fast food can have that effect. I noted while for many years people from southern countries, including Arabs, used to be shorter than Europeans, this is changing among the new generation, though some are quite tall yet very skinny. I presume too much fast food and too little home cooking. Time to rethink and promote home cooking, my cats like some of it too, they are not stupid!

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