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Sunday 23 February 2020

PostScript This is the way it is

White and golden: Mallek, black and white: Claudia

Black and red: Nathalie, white and yellow: Ricardo

" Some wish to understand what they believe and the others to believe what they understand." Stanislas Jerzy Lec
Lovely Claudia and Melanie had to be spayed (always feel a bit sorry for my little fur angels, cats' kittens are so cute and beautiful, but family planning is a must) and when it was time to have the threads of the stitching removed, they had a little surprise for me: they had already performed this themselves, on the exact set date! Mallek (this means Angel, a very suitable name for this great tomcat) was very sick, he had breathing problems, the vet discovered water in his lungs. He had to stay for three days at the vet's, we got very worried. Then we received the good news that he is getting better and can be picked up, not sure who was happier, Mallek or we. He never stopped purring, cuddling with him  was so great, it really made my day! - I had to go to the hospital (out patient) and I was luckily accompanied by my husband. When it was my turn they called me by my second forename, for all my life nobody ever used this name for me. Without my husband I wouldn't have realized that I was addressed. Life is full of surprises! Watching a documentary about a Scottish island I discovered similarities with folks in Tunisia. If you ask there someone for a favour, he/she will definitely do this, but only at a time when it suits him/her and you need much patience. Now, if you require a tradesman here to do some repairs around your house, he will act like that Scottish island inhabitant when asked to do a favour... Further it was mentioned that on that island all are somehow related to each other and one is well adviced not to talk badly about anyone. I noted that in this part of the town most folks are also related to each other, so it is sometimes difficult to get information when a problem occurred. Not working at the weekend (various firms, in offices, shops closed on Sundays) is standard in Europe, connected with the Christian religion you may think, but no, also common here, whereby supermarkets and most other shops would remain open and some tradesmen also work on Sundays, but not on Friday afternoons (time reserved for prayers). Tidying up when the work is finished is standard in Europe, but not so much here. Labour is much cheaper and the quality varies, often a question of what was learned by watching and assisting other more or less qualified tradesmen. Some appear to be working in a way that ensures their "follow up job." Kids have much time to play and too many holidays in my opinion. Those with poor and/or ignorant parents are unlikely to do much studying at their modest home. I am under the impression that their parents prefer to have them outside on the road. Lately these children had an extra weeks holiday to refresh/ deepen their knowledge. Pity monitored studying at school isn't available instead. With so many unemployed teachers staff shouldn't be a problem, but financing probably is. Several countries suffer from catastrophic weather, flooding, storm, etc. We are overall very lucky here. Sweet Mallek is presently sunbathing underneath a plant on our roof terrace. Clever boy!

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