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Saturday 29 February 2020

A Cat's Life ain't easy

 The other day I found two lovely well fed adult cats in front of my entrance door together with a transport box and a letter. It appears to be from a lady who stated that she is sick and old and can no longer support these two cats, one male and one female. Would I please accept them and not leave them out on the street as they always lived indoors. No signature, I guess to put more pressure on me to keep the little poor darlings. Unfortunately she also didn't give me their name and age. I presume it was a very difficult situation for the elderly lady having to part from those fur angels (it would be hell for me) and that explains why. Anyhow I feared my cat community won't accept further additions and I therefore was glad a young lady offered to take the female cat, her mother agreed to this. So I was left with yet another black cat (they have a great character according to my experience). In order to slowly integrate him I took my little nameless one to the kitchen, mainly occupied by our gentle Persian lady cats Aisha and Amelie. Feeling insecure in his new surroundings he quickly crawled underneath the fridge. I only managed to briefly stroke him, by the way, my husband and I decided to call our black diamond Fidel. He has yet to get used to his new name, no one remained nameless in our big cat community, this even includes some of our regular outdoor visitors to my Cats' Table. The food I offered to Fidel he didn't touch for two days. I decided to give him time to listen and inspect what is here and waiting for him. Anyhow, Fidel is eating now, drinks water, doesn't like fish, but croquettes and what is called here "Salami". I am allowed to stroke him a bit, he  is prepared to put up with Aisha and Amelie, but still spends some time underneath our fridge. A brief contact with Adele, Jolino, Lilly, Diana, Mallek and Fritz went well, a bit of grumbling, no real aggression. So Fidel should be okay as a new family member. I hope he will be happy here. But he had yet to meet several of our other little treasures. Two black and white adult cats, Alfonso and Fernando, looking like brothers, spend most of their time underneath my yucca palm trees, on the left and right of my entrance door. Unfortunately I can't take them indoors to live on our two terraces, but they are well fed. Whenever they are hungry, apart from the usual feeding time, they strongly demand food, hand fed preferred! I call them our guard cats. Tunisia can be proud of his great cats. I wish more folks here would appreciate this amazing gift from heaven!

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