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Friday 27 March 2020

A different Spring with Corona virus Threats

A wise man is contend with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not. Seneca

Lucky are those countries with wise men in government during this difficult time, I think this can be said about Tunisia. Since Saturday, 21st of March, 2020, curfew has been ordered for the whole of the country, as a rule only one person should go outside to buy food or medicine, see a doctor if necessary. Taxis may only transport one passenger. To start of with minibuses were allowed to take three persons (usually 8), this was ignored, in a way understandable as the fare is very low, it has now been stopped altogether. A truck heading for Sousse, was carrying 30 people wanting to work there. Police charged the passengers 60 Dinar (20 Euro) each and arrested the driver. The other day I saw an approx. 8 year old boy driving a motorbike. I know him by site, several weeks ago I viewed the same and spoke with his father who declared that's okay, his son would not drive a long distance, just along a few roads in the neighborhood. I told him I am surprised this should be allowed and what if he has an accident? That didn't seem to worry him. With more police controlling the streets hopefully they will put a stop to such irresponsible behavior. Some folks still have a problem with keeping a one, or better two meter distance, poor eye for distance, I guess. For dictators it is easier to manipulate ignorant uneducated people, they are not interested in teaching them to use their brain. After the revolution I discovered quite a few times "F... Police" written on walls. There was a time when youngsters would just laugh if you threatened them you would call the police. This has changed. The president sounded quite annoyed with folks ignoring the curfew. Can't be easy to govern a people who after the revolution had to a great part, mainly the younger generation, decided not to respect anyone, not to take any orders. Those who won't listen have to be forced, a language they will understand. Thank heavens our president is determined to protect this nation. No traffic apart from occasionally a taxi, no airplanes, gives nature a chance to recover from pollution. I only hope the poor, pets and various businesses won't suffer too much. Time to show solidarity and not an ugly selfish face. There is so much we don't really need. I am happy as long as I can still support my little four legged treasures. Many shops are closed, no more chairs on pavements, cafes are closed, so are restaurants, hairdressers, stationery's, all those men now at home and so are all those constantly yelling and running kids. No more non ending football games in front of my door, I enjoy the silence, something I often dreamt of, but of course I neither wished nor imagined it to happen this way. Can't be easy for the poor, being forced to share perhaps only one room, in particular if this includes neglected kids accustomed to roam the streets. I guess some will rediscover their family.

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