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Sunday 8 March 2020

Corona virus, Cats and Dogs

There are more things that frighten us than injure us, and we suffer more in imagination than in reality.  Seneca

Almost all countries are effected by the Corona virus, some more and others to a less extend. A well informed public rather than fake news and misinformation creating panic, is what we need. Scientist have traced the virus back to a particular bat in China, existing already a long time without making the bat sick. When this kind of bat was brought to the market to be sold as "bush meat" together with monkeys, the Corona spread from the bats to the monkeys, changed,  and finally infected those folks who ate the monkeys. They all died after unknowingly passing this new virus onto other folks. That is how it all started. A tourist from China stayed in a big hotel in Hong -Kong, he came in contact with 15 other tourists from various countries and when they returned it led the Corona virus also arriving there. Now the Corona virus is transmitted from those infected, from human being to human being, no cat or dog involved.  Avoid large groups, turn away from coughing and sneezing persons is advised, a face mask is not always necessary, nor are gloves as a general protection, but frequent hand washing is. The latest advice, bad news for all who like to push in front, the Corona virus being contagious, try to keep one meter distance to other persons.  In spite of that it appears for unknown reasons that a person from the Tunisian administration believes killing stray dogs and cats solves the problem of possible spreading the Corona virus in Tunisia. For all I know cats and dogs don't do much travelling, in particular by airplanes or cruise ships, are they really to blame? I haven't heard of a single case of Corona virus in a cat or dog nor of any other country taking such measures. My first thought when I received this shocking information was: does Donald Trump now work as adviser for the Tunisian administration sector? Thinking of all these gorgeous absolute adorable little treasures being senselessly murdered makes me sick. I swear it won't even prevent one single Corona virus case! I hope and pray that it can be stopped, money, energy and time be spend on actions that really help to contain the spreading of this new disease. By the way, in the Middle Ages a mass killing of cats, together with so-called witches, took place in Europe and caused the spreading of the plague due to the lack of cats that would chase and kill mice and rats on which the flea lived that transmitted the plague. Thanks to our fur angels there aren't many mice and rats around here. Some of our stray cats and dogs used to have a home, they are well behaved, it is obvious. They were put out on the street because of laziness, perhaps people no longer being able or willing to provide for them. As for me I would share my last piece of bread with my little darlings and would not want to live without them!!!

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