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Saturday 28 March 2020

PostScript A different Spring with Corona Virus

"Throw me to the wolves and I shall return leading the pack." Seneca
Africa has faced Corona  pandemics with  medical services  not available to everyone at the same time. The power of communities helped to overcome many obstacles. The figure of those infected and known deaths is still low, but will surely rise once more tests are carried out. Very sad is the situation of those refugees who often risked their life to get to Europe hoping for a better life. Instead they frequently ended up in overcrowded primitive camps, close together in difficult hygienic conditions. Many are terrified in view of the Corona pandemic. Urgent action is required before the situation becomes really horrible. Unthinkable if the virus is spread to such places, the same applies to other poor quarters anywhere in the world. Someone from Germany suggested to put old folks in a home as a protective measure. I don't think Trump would like that as it would probably mean people of his age. He always wanted America First, this now happened, more than 100.000 infected, more than anywhere else in the world. The virus doesn't differentiate between rich and poor, black and white. Time to pray for wise men to find solutions and act unselfishly. A lady throwing me kisses, cats purring when they see me, those moments make me happy and help to think positive during this difficult time. In a video I saw a robot car patrolling streets in Tunis, remote controller speaking via an installed loudspeaker to folks stopped on the street and checking on their need to leave the house. Modern times are here, but different from what one would have imagined not so long ago! In a factory, rural area south of the capital, 150 volunteers (110 women, 40 men) including one doctor, one pharmacist, cooks, are working for one months in self isolation in order to produce facemasks (50.000 per day) and other protective gear. They want to enable doctors and medical staff to continue working without endangering themselves. Great people, citizens that Tunisia can be proud of. Hopefully they will all stay healthy, heroes that deserve our highest respect, also their families that accepted them being away for a whole month. We should not only appreciate their sacrifice but also reward them, they deserve it.

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