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Friday 22 May 2020

PostScript Curfew, Corona and Cats

"Life is the sum of all your choices". Albert Camus

Officially there haven't been any more Corona cases nor death for four days, this is presumed to be good news, but one must bear in mind that with limited testing one gets limited results. Anyhow, the price for facemasks has gone down from three Dinar to 1/2 a Dinar and there appears to be no shortage. More than two hundred shops have been forced to close because of inflated prices. Generally I am under the impression that prices are no longer raising like they used to before Corona, but rental charges are supposed to in spite of high unemployment. In some areas, mainly in the south, there is a shortage of water, not very helpful with raising temperatures plus the recommendation to frequently wash one's hands. Curfew hours have been reduced to from 5 a.m.  - 11 p.m. for quite a few of us this won't make much difference, their personal curfew starts when they feel tired (I call it according to local customs category). Most shops are reopened, more folks, including several children, are wearing facemasks. It is forbidden to swim in the sea because of the pandemic. I had to see a medical specialist and was surprised that only 2 patients at a time were allowed into the big waiting room, which led to various patients waiting on the narrow corridor without keeping the recommended distance. Certain injections one gets from the pharmacist who usually charges one Dinar for this service. The prescription I received included 2 such injections. On account of Corona the system changed, a pharmacist may come to your house and charges 10 Dinar, no injection at the pharmacist's. Shocking news: stray dogs are getting shoot in certain parts of the country, they may not even all be homeless, nor do they need to look neglected or sick. Ignorant people without a conscience throw their dog or cat out on the street when they consider their pet to be no longer cute, awkward, too expensive or because of fake news believe such a measure would protect them against Corona. In UK experts are trying to train dogs to smell the Corona virus, it looks promising. Time to appreciate the friendship, loyalty and service we receive from our animals, they don't deserve our cruelty! In Europe various charity organisations offer cheap or free meals for poor folks and a few years ago I discovered in Germany in addition various places where one can donate animal food for person who keep a dog, cat or bird and are forced to live on low income. This would also be a good idea for Tunisia, (one would have to ensure the donations are not misused for resales) perhaps with the support of animal protection organisations (NGOs). I noticed quite a few tourists are interested in helping animals here, some I met at my vet's. By the way, Tunisia was the first country to make slavery illegal, why not become the first (?) African country to introduce laws for the protection of animals. If you teach your children empathy, values that include respect and sympathy for animals, they will grow up as better citizens.

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