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Sunday 3 May 2020

Curfew, Corona and Cats

"He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with man. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." Emmanuel Kant 1724 Philosopher, Prussia (Germany)
On account of Ramadan we are allowed to be outside from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m. but of course not in order to visit friends or family members, only for a reason like buying food or medication,  seeing a doctor, going to the bank or to work where admitted. Police check in the capital and on main streets, several cars have been stopped, yet I viewed a motorcycle with two adults and two kids; one approx. 6 year old boy with his friend sitting on the back, riding a motorcycle (he does this a lot, usually on his own). Now in a taxi two persons are allowed and one child (previously only one person). Domestic violence is on the increase. It is of course not easy to stay most of the day indoors with those family members who aren't accustomed to this, men who used to go out to work or sit in a cafe, kids who would be at school or roam the streets. During the first few days of the curfew it was pleasantly quite here most of the day, but now folks discovered that when there is no police or military to check you don't have to obey orders! The crossroad serves as a "football field", adults standing or sitting outside together, kids doing their usual yelling and running like lunatics (disturbed and neglected children) or sitting next to each other on the pavement. Social distance? Zero! If you say something, they just laugh. Yes, the ignorant know better! Curfew starts when they are tired, approx. after midnight. At three o'clock in the morning we get woken up by the drummer in order not to miss the last meal before the sun rises and the fastening begins. We hear wild geese flying over our house. Our official Corona infection and death cases are still low compared to several other countries, but there again not many have been tested. Too many don't take the pandemic seriously and the ignorant don't teach their children to respect authorities, not even when it is in their own interest. With restaurants and cafes closed, as well as most hotels, hardly any tourists, cats have difficulties finding food. Some folks leave leftovers from their meals outside for them, this is very helpful, but one should ensure tidying up afterwards. Bowls or ice cream boxes that I use are often stolen (take away food for the dog?), sometimes those for water removed, the water thrown away by people who don't like cats, or by bored kids. Someone knocking at the door, a young man and a girl with a beautiful Burmese cat outside. She used to be the most expensive cat in the world. Once upon a time only the royal family in Burma was  allowed to keep her. The guy falsely declared this cat to be Turkish (usually folks here use this name for Persian cats, because Turks introduced them to Tunisia).  The Burmese cat has lately become very popular in this country. I sometimes joke, if you are not Noble, at least your pet should be.... Anyhow, he wanted to sell her for 40 Dinar. We weren't going to take another cat and never bought one. Following a short conversation we feared " Minusha" would be put out on the street if we don't take her and she obviously wasn't accustomed to live like that. We finally paid 30 Dinar and worried if she would integrate well, our other Burmese beauty did so. Afterwards I was shocked to discovered that Minusha must have had babies lately and wondered what had happened to her little ones. Sold? Died or willfully killed? Everything is possible here and if we had a chance to ask the reply wouldn't necessarily be truthful. Anyhow, the gorgeous one had a look around and wasn't happy to discover so many cats, but she was prepared to accept my husband and me. Our fur angels viewed the newcomer without a comment while madam advised all not to mess around with her, she likes to keep a social distance! That was last night. In the morning I couldn't discover Minusha anywhere and called her nanme in vain. Fearing she might have jumped off the roof, I went outside and when I called her this time there was a reply coming from out awning. So I got out our big ladder and took her down. Fortunately the little lady is gentle and didn't scratch me. We decided to give her special attention and help her as far as possible to integrate and accept her new home. It is getting quite hot now. Cats and dogs need to drink. Whichever item I use to leave water for them outside, I am no longer surprised to see it disappeared some time later. (In front of my house it is better now.) At least during the Holly month of Ramadan this shouldn't happen? Wishful thinking! Looks like some take their instructions from the devil, trying to ensure their ticket to hell. Yes, it makes me very sad and angry at the same time. Kids, youngsters or adults wanting cats or dogs to die of thirst. The same folks who begrudge them a bit of food. So sickening, such a bad character. I whish them to encounter equally cold stone hearts when they need help. Thank heavens not all are like that here. Warm hearted animal protecting folks do exist and some tell me they believe I do a good and important job.

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