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Wednesday 27 May 2020

Talking about Fur Angels

"A cat looks down on man, a dog looks up to man, but a pig will look man right in the eye and see his equal." Churchill

Feeding cats in front of my door, I explain to a man from the neighborhood: "My cats finished Ramadan and now they want to eat." "Well," he replied, " your cats eat during the day and have their Ramadan during the night." More persons are leaving water outside and some food for cats and dogs in various places. Sometimes even in front of my door for my Cats' Table. Makes a change, frequently they just try to find a new home in my house for unwanted cats. Good to see folks are trying to save cats, but it would be better if guys would have more of them neutered, spayed in order to reduce their number and possible suffering. It breaks my heart to say No, but I have to be realistic, I neither have unlimited space available nor funds. For unknown reasons the bank doesn't offer Residents the same rate of exchange as they do for tourists. I would have thought the difference between the buying and selling rate offers enough profit. (Not sure how much the state takes). Berthold Brecht (approx. 90 years ago): "What is a bank robbery compared to establishing a bank." - I watch a little kitten entering a food shop and then running out again as if chased by the devil. Wonder what those inside the store did to him. Anyhow, the poor little darling doesn't seem to know where to find shelter, I feel forced to offer just that. His name is now Moses and he feels happy and protected (my husband is less amused). Black and white Odette with blue eyes, and grey Hakim are two cute little kittens I lately discovered underneath my Yucca palm tree. I created for them  a hammock and gave them food and water. They now share cat mummy milk (bought as powder to be mixed with water) together with our white kitten Capucco, brown streamed Moses and Jessica (with a bit of Persian). Jessica I discovered one morning in the hammock of Odette and Hakim. All little treasures are happy with their new vice mummy, only I don't know how to manage in future if I don't find other foster families for them. Could be worse, a gentle lady from the neighborhood took three black kittens of me. Even though I get all the cats living with us spayed and neutered, there is a none ending flow of cat babies as folks down here don't like to have their cat operated. Leaving the kittens in front of my door step gives them the feeling they have done their duty. Can anyone please donate an animal shelter farm for me? I view a little kitten searching for a place to hide, then jumping inside a down pipe. My attempt to pull it out by hand frightens the tiny one and it tries to climb further up inside the pipe. The hole in the pipe, created  by a disturbed youngster some time ago at a height of approx. 1/2 a meter, proves to be helpful. I pour a bit of water through the hole and the poor darling comes "flying" out. Cats tend to hang around garbage containers in search of a bit of food. When I leave water for them there in our neighborhood, it often gets removed without a reason, it is just malicious, ignorant  kids or adults who don't understand that cats protect us against rats, mice and cockroaches. Our Burmese cat Minusa doesn't seem to like cats, but she accepts my husband and me as her family (does she believe she belongs to the human race?) as members don't always look alike. Our cats test how many fit on my lap, with three already there the fourth decided there is still space on top. I have to make sure little Capucco doesn't get squashed. Then Janina copies one of Lilly's idea and wrapped herself around my neck. No space wasted. Our gorgeous angels are so creative and they learn from each other by watching. I can't imagine living without their love and loyalty. A true gift from heaven!

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