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Monday 8 November 2021

Fighting against Windmills

 "What a

man does not understand, he does not possess. It is much easier to recognize error than to find truth, for error lies on the surface, but may be overcome, but truth lies in the depths and to search for it is not given to everyone." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe                                                     Now is the time when many kittens and puppies are born into an all too often cruel world. It is usually not their mothers' fault, while she is happy to feed the little ones her milk, cruel humans steal them, put them in a plastic bag or cardboard box and throw them between the garbage or in front of houses of people who may perhaps be able and willing to protect the helpless innocent babies. I wonder whether these folks would consider putting a few weeks old human baby out on the street, to provide for itself? Yesterday I discovered in different areas two screaming, helpless beautiful babies crawling between garbage. Shameful. Instead of getting cats and dogs (unless you want a pet family) spayed and neutered, as a kind of family planning. Some believe it's Haram, meaning the Quran doesn't allow this. The Islamic preaching states: " A human being is not perfect until he/she protects animals and plants as well." The operation is intended to do just that, prevent overcrowding and unwanted babies suffer and die in misery. Trying to save the babies is heartbreaking, it is not just feeding them expensive baby milk every four hours, it also means having them crying for their mummy.....and all too often suddenly dying in spite of all efforts. It depresses me and it seems to be never ending. I have seen so many hit, injured by disturbed stone throwing kids, killed by vehicles, dogs treated like toys by youngsters without empathy. It appears to be fashionable among them to keep a dog. If they haven't got enough food for them, they take my croquettes (outside for homeless cats), but unfortunately these are likely to cause diarrhea in dogs as they are designed for cats. Good news, I discovered that several folks in the neighborhood also love cats and dogs, try to help them as far as they can and teach their children to do likewise. A small shop owner declared that cats are heaven sent and gave a home to an injured cat. But there is also a poor family that first took one male dog from the street and a little time later a young bitch "so they can play together", not realizing that six months old is not too young to fall pregnant. They "solved that problem" by kicking her out, most probably already pregnant. In addition she has a minor injury on a leg, as she got hit by a taxi one day. I tried to find her, a sand coloured Arabic dog that does not observe traffic as she should. Together with the animal protection organization "Animal Hearts Tunesia" I was going to get the two dogs spayed and neutered, as well as vaccinated, I can not describe my disappointment and sadness on account of this family's cruel action. Whenever they asked me to help them I tried to do so, within my limits, and had given them food for the dogs. It is so important to teach kids at a very young age the right values. Those who love and protect animals and the environment help to create a better society. We can learn from other countries. Take Ruanda today, every last Saturday in the month all go

out and clean streets and gardens, plant trees.  They call it their Environmental Day. Wouldn't it be great, if we would do the same here? Instead we have those wild rubbish dump areas, if you have bad luck it might in front of your house. One man from the neighborhood said that while he takes his household rubbish to a container in one of those rubbish dump areas, others drop their rubbish on his pavement  or even throw it in his garden. Lately some persons started to throw their garbage in front of an uninhabitable empty house. It stinks and attracts cockroaches etc. Two ladies living near by decided to clean the area, but it's a daily job as this illegal rubbish dumping by selfish lazy people never stops. Though rubbish doesn't get collected from every road, containers for household garbage are always available nearby, no need to dump it where it most certainly doesn't belong. We can do better, time to take more interest in environment protection. There is an increasing number of babies taken to hospital because of breathing problems. Air pollution could easily be reduced if vehicle engines aren't run idle, motorbikes aren't tuned to create utmost noise and black stinking clouds. It amazes me men leaving their car or motorbike with the engine running while they quickly do a bit of shopping. As everybody is honest in this country they don't need to worry about a thief regarding this as an stealing is forbidden in Tunisia.

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