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Monday 22 November 2021

PostScript Fighting against Windmills

" Above all, always be capable of feeling deeply any injustice committed against anyone, anywhere in the world. "            Ernesto Che Guevara.                                                                    While still enjoying sunshine during the day, evenings and in particular nights are getting pretty cold. This means a lot of sneezing and coughing, most of all for homeless poor cats and dogs. We domesticated them, made them dependant, and should take responsibility. But it's rewarding, honest love, gratetude and loyalty. In my experience this can't be guaranteed if you choose to help poor people instead. In such a case it is better to expect nothing in return. Theft of copper cables from Tunisia Telecom tripled in 2021. Sounds kind of familiar? Such thefts in Europe occured as well, only with different actors. Good news: Ben Arours National Guards anti criminal unit dismantled network that specializes in falsifying official documents. They discovered computers, printers and CDs containing university and other degrees and diplomas intended for fraudulent missuse and criminal irresponsible actions. I often heard in the past that jobs are frequently given to those who can pay approx. 3000 Dinar for the favour. With the new president obviously willing to clap down on corruption and bribes at long last, those who deserve a better job or remained unemployed in spite of their qualifications hopefully, if times are changing,

 will find offers that match their education and ability. This should further our economy, provide better schools and morals, proof to kids and adults that it is worth it to gain education and training. Anti-aggression training would be a good idea, in particular for those who come from broken families and/ or mainly got "their education" on the street. Lack of self-control, envy and desire to take instant revenge, already for minor things like one wrong word, are a great handicap. I note it everyday in the neighborhood. Kids that only recently stopped wearing nappies hitting or throwing stones at cats and dogs. This is not normal behaviour, but fairly common among the badly or uneducated here, shameful and depressing to watch. It is important not to look away, to ignore, unless one wants an elbow society without empathy. Some taxi drivers are highly educated, polite and helpful, others are kind of strange, like spoiled princes, they don't want to drive where there is a lot of traffic, don't want passengers with heavy bags, prefer pretty girls to elderly folks. By the way, it appears to be in fashion to snatch a taxi away from old persons. The driver usually doesn't care who stopped the taxi in the first place. So if you are getting on a bit and aren't sportive, hard luck. We have several taxi drivers in the neighborhood, while one of them refuses to take a tip from a neighbor, another one thinks he should charge extra. 

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