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Tuesday 13 September 2022

Postscript Environment Protection

Below wedding celebration

 On the right how this product used to be sold

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 "Laughing is a medicine, but when you laugh for no reason, you need a medicine."    "The market is noisy simply because nobody wants to be  cheated." African Proverbs                                                                                  Extrem noise is a health risk that doesn't seem to be regarded as such in Tunisia. If you suffer from migraine attacks you know that it can be absolutely hell. But it also can make you deaf, increase your blood pressure, lead to a stroke or heart attack. Why then do folks love it so much around here? Kids are known to enjoy lots of it..... I wish there were restrictions on the height of noise level for loud speakers used in houses and streets surrounded by inhabited houses (open air celebrations directly in front of occupied houses). Folks here love loud speakers suitable for events like woodstock, or at least football stadiums. I wake up with my heart beating like mad, should I need an ambulance I can't phone, not possible to hear what I am saying. The music and live drums will stop at approx. 3 a. m., followed by loud tidying up, removal of chairs, etc. We are usually also invited to such events, nice thought, but too strengtherous for us unfortunately. Poor people dream of a big wedding, understandable, so maybe hope they can finance it with the money collected for the big function, difficult when you don't have rich generous friends and relatives but intend to celebrate for several days, i. e. 8 days (happened here). What is really good in Tunisia, plastic usually no longer gets just dumped and left anywhere for long since quite a few, yo ung and old folks, collect and sell plastic, means a bit of income, often really needed. High percentage alcohol is very expensive thank heaven for that since the consumption makes some guys aggressive. Contrary to Europe most parties are held without alcohol. - We decided to plant another tree, I would love to surround our house with trees, but can't afford this. Experts say the temperature in hot cities could be lowered by 10 degrees if trees were planted and of course it improves the air quality. We keep having cars parked directly under our window and this means exhaust gas and fine dust pollution, I cough a lot, we expect an improvement through the tree and hope the kids will allow it to grow. Reducing the amount of unnecessary wrapping would be another way to protect the environment. Sadly many companies like to sell their processed food in very often by 2/3 rd too big packages. This in particular applies to cereals. But it's not just food, also other items like e. g. medicine. Take Rhumatyl which used to be sold in a small plastic box, big enough to hold 60 capsules, now (see photo) it comes in an totally unnecessary cardboard box, big enough to hold 2 of the enclosed 1 plastic box. Why? To convince the buyer that he/she gets good value for money? Surely this can only work once. Climate change effect us all, time to act. Tourist who used to come to enjoy sunshine may now instead enjoy a holiday in their own country as there are plenty of hot days due to climate change. 

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