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Wednesday 28 September 2022

Postscript More about Cats, Dogs, Careless Folks.....

 "No matter the situation a fish will never swim backwards." "A goat is never happy when a sheep is been slaughtered." Ubuntu African Proverbs

Prices continue to rise, various items are difficult to obtain, some are sold again for a short time and disappear once more: sugar (big problem in an sugar loving country), milk, mineral water (rumor has it that it is due to lack of money for plastic bottles), rice, sunflower oil, creals, flour, bred and chicken partly, croquettes for pets, Unigenta eye drops, several imported medications, etc. More cats and dogs lose their houses, poor darlings not knowing why they are suddenly homeless. A woman on the radio demanded that folks should stop feeding animals and donate to poor people instead. A whole industry developed around pets' requirements, various items, like transport boxes, toilets, collars, leads, muzzles,etc. and also food, i. e. croquettes, tinned food, medication for animals, there are pet shops and veterinarians - does she want all to become unemployed, bankrupt? Besides, in my experience not all poor people appreciate your help, some think you should not give them the little finger, but your whole arm, so to speak. We have a family with "limited income" here, who demand money for food, medicine, gas, school books (after the young son stopped attending school). We gave them money on various occasions, clothes, shoes for the boy, two collars, lead, muzzle and food for their dog (donations from Europe for dogs). We think they sold the items for the dog (mend to prevent him to be mistaken for a stray), shameless folks, and he may even no longer be alive. For a while they had another dog, thinking they may possibly be able to sell puppies one day. Then they kicked out the bitch and lied that she wasn't their dog. It doesn't seem to bother them much if she gets shoot as a "stray". The other dog nobody has seen for a while, they say because he's sick. In the past we employed not so well off local men with decoration works around the house, several used the opportunity to steal from us. We then decided it's better to carry out ourselves as much works as possible and that money is better spend on supporting animals. I judge guys corresponding to how they treat animals. 

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