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Monday 5 June 2023

Postscript It never gets Boring here


 "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the result of other people's thinking. Steve Jobs   " Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. Benjamin Frankline.         " A successful man is the one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown  at him. " David Brinkley"  " The greatest glory in life lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."  Nelson Mandela                                                                                  A good start in the morning is when all my numerous adopted feral children and the regular guests to my Cats' Table are okay, just hungry as usual., so they of course come first, take first priority! Outside it is nice and quiet, just a car or 2 and maybe a motorbike passing, had enough of those  in particular the later, racing during the night. While in most countries citizens nowadays think about protecting the environment, energy reduction, avoiding pollution, it doesn't seem to be much of an issue in Tunisia, at least not among those who keep their distance to education. Their kids and youngsters like to ride a motorbike, just for fun. The black stinking cloud, the roaring noice most of all when speeding, they love it. While some  children in the neighborhood try to ride their bike with one wheel up in the air, therefore occasionally fall and make their comrades laugh (not without risks on the road), 4 teens, approx. 14 years old, now want more. The bikes have been exchanged for old motorbikes. I viewed 2 with a passenger on the back seat, doing their "artistic studs." In the beginning on a not quite so busy road, neverthe-  less nearly hitting a parked car and another arriving motorbike on the road, crushing on the street, but surprisingly without much injury and damage to their motorbike. Pity in a way, no lesson learned. Accustomed to no actions from adults, apart from the usual excuse: "they are children", these dare-devils now feel encouraged to try busy roads (no risk no fun). I fear innocent folks on the streets may become victims of these kids and their irresponsible games, further, it is highly unlikely that their parents or they themselves eventually would be able to pay for whatever injuries or damages they may cause.  Passing a school, the public area next to it is littered with rubbish, mainly papers and wrappings. This demonstrates the need to teach pupils basic manners, something they don't seem to learn at home. Instead of extreme long holidays, for the school-free days in my opinion some educated folks without a job  (don't need to have teachers' diploma) should be employed to teach responsible behaviour, respect for nature and animals, environnement protection). The whole nation would profit. ( Elderly folks call these kids the lost generation.) In addition it would be a good idea to  create teams of  school children (I refuse to call them" students") to collect their rubbish around their school (learning by doing). For unknown reasons usually homework is not a task demanded of them, unlike  Europe, so the boys can spend most of the day playing football or roaming the streets like some girls as well. When school is finished, they all rush out as if released "from prison", where they didn't waste much energy, by the look of it, now screaming and stone throwing. Some demonstrate the English they learned, calling me a bitch and advising me to f.... off. Well, "they are children......" and maybe when I first arrived here with several removal cardboard boxes full of presents for kids I didn't even know, they received a gift as well. - SONED, the tapped water suppliers, now turn off the water every evening until morning, at changing hours. It is mend to reduce the water consumption, which is too high in view of the dramatically falling present stock and insufficient rain.  Every day some chemicals are added to rinse the piping. That means when you turn on the tap the water looks milky and can only be used for cleaning. It takes about 10 to 15 minutes to receive clean water again. Even this doctors advice not to drink. Anyhow, a high quantity of water gets wasted. In several areas, mainly in the south, citizens haven't received any household water for months. Having to buy water is an extra expence that in particular 

the poor could really do without. Hopefully water treatment plants will soon solve the problem. 

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