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Sunday 25 June 2023

Postcript Searching for Paradise

 "It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool's paradise." Fyodor Dostoyesky.  "It is possible to love a human being, if you don't know them too well." Charles Bukowski. "The beauty of a woman may lead her to the palace, but her character will determine how long she will stay in the palace," Obuntu Proverb.               My idea of a paradise : Humans and animals peacefully living together without greed, envey and theft, instead lots of respect (for animals like in Turkey), free education and health service (like in Cuba), solidarity, dedicated teachers, empathy and love, nature protection. - Many, too many folks, from Africa and other parts of the world believe they may find their Paradise in Germany and risk their life to get there, illegally if legally isn't possible. They pay a very high price in more than one way, in various cases their family sell their house or borrow money for a very overpriced dangerous journey on usually overloaded, neither well equipped nor strong boats. The ship that lately sank near the Greek coast carried approx. 750 persons, about 100 children and woman, only 104 Men survived (among them 9 now arrested trafficers) . This could be "a wake up call", but unfortunately following a brief shock, it is unlikely to change much quickly. But is Germany really a paradise? With a good income you can live well (doesn't this apply to many places in the world?). Quite a bit is different from Tunisia in Germany nowadays, e. g. pavements are designed to protect pedestrians, not cars. I am here often under the impression that car parking takes first priority and therefore folks are forced to walk on the street as the pavement is blocked by various cars. Several house owners decided to block access to their pavement for cars, using bricks or perhaps tins filled with cement. Depending on where you live, it may attract kids looking for a seat to have a (often loud) chat with their friends, maybe until after midnight. Where children play football on the street, some of the access blocking bricks  may not last long . In Germany taxi fees and bred prices can knock you off your feet. School children being taken to school by taxi is pretty rare. Using loudspeakers suitable for a football stadium (not exaggerated, they are here quite common for private functions, often on streets blocked for such parties) is unimaginable in Germany and other European countries. - An Iman and a Bishop teasing each other,

talking about their dreams. The Bishop says that in his dream he saw the Moslems' paradise. It was lovely but very crowded and there was a strong smell of garlic. Replied the Iman: "Interesting as I saw in my dream last night your paradise. Lovely white fine sand beach (like in Tunisia), blue sea, beautiful flowers with a gorgeous scent, lovely butterflies and birds and not a soul there...." 

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