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Tuesday 2 January 2024

My Gorgeous Wild Family

 "Be aware of people who dislike cats." Irish Proverb.  "If you can't do great things, do small things in a great way." Napoleon Hill.  "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."  Malcom X.                                             Winter has now finally arrived, with a bit of luck still sunshine during the day. Recently lots of rain day and night, much needed, but cold and wet is not easy for strays. Still, come rain or sunshine, they arrive punctually for breakfast at my Cats's Table, for most probably the oxxnly good (small) meal for the day. Some turn up during the day also and call me: Please feed me, I am hungry! Among them 4 big boys, Kassimir (elderly, gentle and a little slow, allows others to fetch his bit of sausage without getting aggressive), yellow soft fur, Wotan, yellow white fur, lovely bushy tail, Caesar and Manuel, mixed colours, brow with white tummy and bib, long hair. I gave them their names. For those who once lived in a family, it's a new one, all with or without a name, I call "Schaetzchen", which means little Treasure. I noted some visitors to my Table like to cuddle. Talking about cuddling, Schmusi, my black and white tomcat, one day walked up to me, sat on my lap and gave me a kiss on my cheek. Looks like he appreciates his vice mummy. My heavy weight boy, Riccardo, doesn't get on well with 3 other cats, and with one of them, Alien, it even looks like hate. They scream at each other and actually sometimes fight, usually at the roof. When I am downstairs the quickest way to stop this is to shout at them. One isn't supposed to shout at cats, but it works. I found in book advising how to handle cats, when you have many cats in the house, there will be fighting among them, in such a case only a bucket full of water helps. "If you try to just separate them you will get injured." Not my experience, having shouted that "Mummy gets angry with you", I walk up to the roof, pick up Riccardo and carry him downstairs. Even though he was full of aggression a second before, he immediately becomes gentle and absolutely non-aggressive, I speak to him softly and praise his good behavior. He has been living with us for 5 years, arrived as a kitten. Until about 2 years ago there were no problems. I joke, maybe Riccardo should change his Aftershave, so he won't get mobbed. I am very proud of my blind boy, Lulu, he copes well, downstairs, upstairs, well integrated. Lovely soft light yellow fur, likes to cuddle. He is amazing, at present he has got a cold and recovers from the Calci-virus that effects teeth, gum, eyes, in addition can cause diarrhea and it can spread to other cats. First sign are a bad smell from the mouth and difficulty to eat. It is important to consult a vet as soon as possible, luckily mine is very dedicated and his clinic is within walking distance. (Taking a taxi doesn't just mean extra expenditures but also means stress trying to find one or waiting for a long time, and then just arriving folks snatching the taxi).  I keep wiping and cleaning sweet little noses. The claws I get confronted with, are less sweet. It is particular bad when I give my little kittens, Cinderella, Priscilla, Micky-Mouse, Speedy-Gonzalez and Lady Gaga their medicine hidden in a bit of cats' saucage. They try to knock it out of my hands, this often leads to bleeding fingers. The kittens I had in the past used to be better behaved. It is not helpful if the little ones are snatched too early from their mother's loving paws, before Mummy could teach them manners. Living with just maybe 5 cats is so much easier than feeding a large pack, kind of wild in a crowd when it comes to feeding indoors. Well, in a pack humans also often act differently. Nonetheless some folks believe we could and should take an endless number of cats, because they don't feel inclined to get their cats sprayed and neutered, prefer to spend their money on cigarrettes, cars, etc. rather than on medicine and veterinarian treatments. Lady Gaga, only survivor of Madonna's babies, was born with 2 deformed back legs, one got better, the other one seems to be paralyzed. In spite of this she moves very fast, climbs and grows well. Sometimes she still cuddles with her mummy. I don't like the cold and so do my cats. At night I try to keep them warm with little blankets, some enjoy it while others through their warm cover off. Every morning my first thought: are all okay? Recently I discovered 2 lovely gentle yellow kittens in front of my door, in a little shelter I had created for Mary, my part time outdoor cat. She protects my house and of course sleeps indoors, doesn't want to be part of the big crowd, therefore sleeps in a small corridor. It makes me sad not being in a position to take the 2 golden coloured new comers inside, but I absolutely can't cope with more cats in the house. I just gave them a bit of food. The next day they were gone, but then I discovered them between my cactus plants, not a good place, nor the street in front. It is used as a kind of football field and kindergarten, a racing track for motorcycles, and "stand man" on motorcycles exercise area (at least 3 boys doing their dangerous performance). We have so far been lucky, no serious accidents. By the way, the kittens disappeared, returned and disappeared again, guess they are still looking for a permanent home....... I wish and pray a good soul showed sympathy and saved the gentle little treasures. 

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