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Sunday 2 July 2017

Cats and other Events

When Ramadan ends (Aid El Fitr), it is time to celebrate and children receive presents. Shops offer a larger selection of toys, including plastic pistols with little round plastic "bullets". The ideal present for stupid aggressive kids, if you like them to remain like that. The medias warned these "bullets" can cause serious eye injuries, but who cares! Instead of throwing stones the children can now shoot their plastic at each other and at cats. Two 6 months old cats of one family are wounded so far, another one is badly injured, looks like a dog bite on the left stomach side. The dog was most probably accompanied by one of the thugs from the neighbourhood. Such "success" would put that stupid grin on his face which makes me feel so helpless, like talking to the wall. When you see how cats react to approaching kids (of course not all with bad intentions), it becomes obvious, children are regarded as the enemy - due to ever so many bad experiences!  Not surprising, cats living on the street age quicker and die younger. - Yesterday an elderly lady looked very happy when she discovered Gloria (the most beautiful cat I 've ever seen) in front of my house. The lady greeted her and addressed her with another name, presumably from her previous life, as Gloria is one of my regular visitors. Another one, a white Tomcat who looks like he has seen better days, I am told lived in a house with a lady until she passed away. One day Honey was outside and I was surprised to see her there looking dirty, not her usual self. She refused to enter my house (so I could help her clean her fur). A couple of hours later she returned as the perfectly neat cat lady, my lovely companion. I was impressed.- Information from the radio, this is the time of feasts like weddings and circumcisions. Neighbours are requested to be tolerant and accept the inconvenience, etc. I would have thought it would be more appropriate to ask those who block off part of the road and love to use loudspeakers fit for a stadium, to be considerate when organising their open-air concerts/feasts (e.g. right along my house, the last time I woke up with my heart beating like mad, felt close to a cardiac infarction. It was so extreme, had someone tried to phone an ambulance, no one could have heard the message.) If you haven't experienced this, it may seem to be overstated, but yes it was hell. One can of course celebrate indoors, rooms in suitable buildings can be hired, if you are able and willing to pay for his. Viewing all those big, new, expensive cars turning up for the feasts, I wonder why here...... If it needs to be outside, aren't there appropriate areas available? Many are very understanding and tolerate, life would be so much easier, if more would be like that not only reference their own person but towards other folks as well. Let us enjoy what's positive and not use our elbows. By the way, I tested stranger's reaction by giving them a smile and you know what?  I received many smiles from total strangers!

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