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Saturday 4 November 2017

Cats Never Ending Story

A cat got hit by a car in the neighbourhood, a 10 year old boy informed me. It turned out to be a lovely gentle cat (4 colours: white, orange, brown, black) sitting near a mosque, one eye sticking out several cm. She didn't scream, didn't complain when I picked her up and carried her to my house in order to put her in a transport box. I took a taxi, together with the young lad, to the vet, who luckily declared she can help and as the cat is still young (approx. 1 year) she'll recover and manage to get along with one eye only (my sweet Tareqqa also does perfectly well). Following further examinations the vet discovered that the accident victim had in addition her jaw broken. Poor soul. In spite of all her suffering she remained amazingly calm. As she's going to live with me now for a while I decided she needs a name: Myriam (in view of her beauty). The vet explained that Myriam now has problems to swallow, requires very finely chopped meals with liquid and added vitamins for 10 days, needs to wear a plastic collar to prevent her from scratching her wound. My vet truly loves animals and offered me a rebate as she values my action. The boy explained to her that he knows me as a person who can be addressed whenever a cat needs help and that is why he knocked at my door. Yesterday, the day of her operation Myriam didn't eat or drink, apart from the water with melted tablet that I sprayed into her mouth. Today she managed to eat, thank heaven, sits there quietly, accepting me and her fate. On the way back we saw a woman standing next to a taxi waving; she offered to share the taxi with us as she was travelling the same direction.  She told the driver that I love cats a lot, which is great, and wanted to show me on her mobile phone a picture of a woman feeding cats. I was surprised to learn it was me, looks like more people know me than I do. - Kids also watch me a lot, some expressed they share my appreciation of cats and/or dogs. I am frequently asked the names of cats near my house. Some of them I have actually given a name and they react when I use it. Anyhow, when I informed a 5 year old boy that a certain tomcat is called Jousef, he smiled and said: "Hello, Jousef." Then he advised me that that is also his name. Cats need a dentist (the vet also) from time to time. Yousef couldn't eat without pain. It was easier than I expected to put him in a transport box. It turned out that 2 of his molars were in a real bad state and needed to be extracted. I succeeded to give him his tablet (mixed with soft cheese), but only for 7 instead of 10 days. At least he can eat now without problems. Bijou, one of our co-inhabitants, stopped eating, so it was time for her also to have a check-up. The vet explained a similar problem, unfortunately the water here is very calcareous. It effects the teeth and can lead to stones in the kidneys. Her teeth was in a bad state due to this kind of water. When we got back to the house she went hiding (normal behaviour for animals, when they are wounded or sick they do it for their own safety in order not to become easy prey). Time to feed Myriam, my cats keep me on my toes! Myriam (1 day later) has started to eat, finely chopped meat with gravy and she enjoys her daily massage, thanks me with purring. She is amazing. Her beautiful fur is soft like velvet. I will never understand why some folks don't like cats. Several kids grow up with bad models who throw stones. Kids watch and imitate. On account of bad experience cats here tends to be very careful with children, who may well be their "enemies".  This kind of behaviour I never viewed in any other country (visited quite a few). When I feel depressed on account of this lack of empathy, strange, I often encounter kids/ folks who love animals, thank heaven for that.

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