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Wednesday 1 November 2017

Postcript This is Africa

Living in this part of Souse sounds like living next to a football stadium, several kids constantly yelling or talking very loud, (a bit better during school hours, thank heaven for that) and at other times like a market place. Various street vendors sell vegetables, fruit, etc., three men trying to sell fish, some times they more less arrive at the same time. So much fish, who wants to eat this all day long? All this shouting and hooting, difficult for expats to get used  to, yet the folks here think it's normal, if you don't, you are the odd one out. The first sentence toddlers learn is: "It wasn't me", the usual reply one gets if a kid is caught getting up to no good (like throwing stones, hitting cats, etc.). Never leave tools or other items unattended outside, not even for a few minutes, otherwise it will disappear in no time. Still, with a bit of luck children will return it if you offer a reward, it worked twice. - Hairdressers' prices are approx. the same as in Germany. They work differently though, like to pull hair straight (not my taste, my hair has started to get curly here, all by itself, I like it that way) on various occasions wondered do they want to pull out my hair, burn my skull (too hot hair dryer). The first hairdresser I visited in Souse (on recommendation - never rely on that unless you know the person really well) demanded 50 Dinar for dyeing my hair with my on product, complained about a lot of work (I was the only customer)  and high expenditure. She just had her saloon newly decorated, did she mean that or a bit of water and electricity? Not happy to pay a "surcharge for tourists or expats" (all supposed to be rich), I decided never to return. - On the radio: News presented at a high speed, is there someone in the studio with a whip? Most of the talking interrupted by lots of giggling and laughing. Jokes, comedy, performed with a strange, child-like voice mend to be funny. Sounds like kids' program to me. - Alcohol, with the exception of beer and some local vine, is very expensive, brilliant, though this doesn't mean no alcoholics, it reduces the problem and it's the hard drinks that really make aggressive. Nevertheless anti-aggression training would be a good idea for several kids, teens and adults who mainly had bad models and quickly get furious, boil with rage because they lack self-control. In Germany for example anti-aggression training proved to be worth it. Let us all get more relaxed, we only live once. By the way, stroking a pet, e.g. a cat or dog, is relaxing and can reduce too high blood pressure. There is a demonstration in Souse, folks want those in power to do more for the protection of women against sexual harassment, as e.g. quite a few young men show no respect and use bad language, etc and also provide a better protection against theft (I for example feel safer without expensive jewellery or even a handbag, when I go shopping). The demonstration shows that democracy is working here and there is a political awareness in the population - unlike at the time of Ben Ali when the people didn't dare to express their thoughts freely.

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