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Wednesday 29 November 2017

Continued This is Africa

Reading fairy tales to kids has a positive effect on their brains and increases their intelligence, in some parts of Europe a "good night story" is read to children who go to bed at set hours, fairly early in the evening. North African parent: "When my little ones fished playing football and get home, around midnight, I am too tired to read fairy tales to them and besides, they are too tired to listen." Parents worry (radio): "School hours start at 8 a.m. this is very early, they don't get enough sleep." In summer you can see toddlers being taken for a walk very late at night and people think nothing of it, while in several European countries folks would shake their head and wonder why the little ones aren't fast asleep in bed. People here worry a lot, e.g.: The world cup in Russia. Won't it be too cold for our football players? Yes, if they play table football outside, normal football with a lot of running should keep them fairly warm, like all the other players from hot countries. Besides, as kids and teens constantly play football (never seen anything like it in other countries) they aught to be brilliant. One boy asked me: "Why don't you like us playing football along your house, while you allow cats to sit there?" Well yes, they sit there, don't yell at an ear splitting level, don't kick balls against our house or onto our terraces, don't cause damages or possibly injuries. They respect us. Further more, cats don't throw stones. Now that one neighbour decided to build a little skyscraper (highly in fashion, at least in Sousse), we have a big heap of pebbles opposite our house, this means a lot of "toys", flying stones. Sometimes we wonder, are we considered to be members of an "occupying force"? In the past, before we settled here, folks appeared to be very friendly, polite, with dignity and smiling a lot, what happened? Disappointed the revolution didn't make them rich over night? There were less possessions, no mobile phones, many without a TV or even a fridge, few expensive new cars, more bikes, etc. yet many tourists, often difficult to find a free seat in a restaurant or cafe. There were more jobs, yet very many appeared to be just more or less coping with their income. Sheepskin was not thrown away as waste (I was surprised to view this several times). Times are changing, in many ways, but it's better not to throw out the child with the bath-water. We could do with less noise, often so unnecessary extreme noise. Without this more guys would not to be so nervous, thin-skinned, a bit deaf, therefore always speaking very loud. I hear voices, guests that I don't know of? No, working men at the building site opposite. We require anti-aggression training and learn how to relax and enjoy the beauty of Tunisia, e.g. this perfect beach (if kept clean), teach the ignorant. Some young folks don't like being told that their behaviour is not appropriate, hearing this makes them aggressive, overreacting, feeling like starting a fight, or with a bit of luck, they may even apologise. As you never know and don't feel like getting a mouthful back, many prefer to look the other way and say nothing. Keeping silent is often understood  as consent. Having studied educational sciences I believe education and good models is what we need, in particular for the young ones who still learn by watching and imitating.

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