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Thursday 23 November 2017

Continued Cats' Story

It turned out that Myriam, the cat that had the accident, was living on a Mosque compound and had the accident (broken jaw, one eye sticking  out 4cm, one back leg numb) 2 days before I was informed. Listening to the Quran all day long, every day, must have saved her. One religious man took a photo of her and sent his son to speak with me. I guess those who saw the little darling, were fearing the costs of a vet, understandable, I paid 120 Dinar, including vitamins, to speed up recovery. Pity no one thought of crowd funding, if many give even a small amount of money, it is possible to cover the costs. Anyhow, Myriam is doing well, eating finely chopped turkey in yogurt sauce, she is very brave, purring, not complaining about her misfortune and when she doesn't feel like  eating I say, one bit for Mummy, one bit for Daddy..... it works, not always, but often. Or I say eat up, then the sun will shine tomorrow, works as well, even with the sun. When I heard that Myriam has kittens, I was relieved to learn they are old enough to cope without their Mum and on the Mosque compound food and water would be provided for them. In the beginning she had problems using the toilet (constipation), now okay following a bit of medication. If you asked why do I take so much trouble with cats, let me tell you I spent most of my life helping people (even managed to save 4 folks' life), viewing how cats live here, I decided now it is time to help them. Something that really bothers me and makes me very sad, is being confronted with many cats suddenly, within 10 days, passing away. I know of 18 cats a few months old, the oldest approx. 1 year. This happened in Sousse and Kairouan (of there I only have limited information) and affected mainly indoor cats, some appeared to have a bit of breathing problems or a cold, all seemed not to be severe enough for them to dy, no obvious symptoms appeared to be grave enough. Kittens several months old died, while their mothers are fit and healthy, other kittens a few months older survived. My guests at the cats' table (cats without a home, more or less finding their own shelter, 3 underneath my yucca plant) are all there as usual, I did a count, no one missing, thank heaven, but I suffered several loses, beautiful, gentle little angels, my co-inhabitants that I miss so much. Quite a few so called stray cats are absolutely beautiful, gentle, clean, respect me and would doubtlessly be happy to find a loving home. I am sure several had been living in-doors before, perhaps the people they've been living with have left the country, putting them out on the street was the cheapest solution. By the way, gorgeous Gloria, who lost all her kittens, one after the other died, adopted an orphan young cat, approx. as old as her little ones that passed away. Yasmina's children are all still there, fit and lively, except for one that has a bad cold. Myriam had her stitches (following the operation of her injured eye that could not be saved) now removed, she remained absolutely calm and gentle as always, a real  little angel,. the kind of patient a vet dreams of. Cats are so amazing, some are demanding while others are absolutely modest. My princess (Thailand cat with turquoise eyes) insists on her own toilet and calls me whenever she needs her servant, I am afraid she would be happier as an "only child". This I can not offer her, pity, those cats are said to be very loyal. She's not too keen on other cats but likes my "ladies in black velvet", who say "marhaban" (welcome) to all newcomers, including of course to our junior, lovely tomcat Allien. So I am surrounded by sleeping beauties at present, all appear to be well and this makes me happy. The sun makes up for cold nights. The rainy season, though, will as usual not be easy for all who are homeless, animals and human beings. Yesterday pre-school kids called me. They had discovered a dead cat underneath a car. It turned out to be an adult white cat with a bit of yellow patches. The cat looked well fed, no blood on the ground, no apparent injuries, no accident. One little boy suggested - in his words that I take the lovely cat to the vet - I had to unfortunately advice him it's too late, the cat has passed away. It looked peaceful, didn't suffer much, as far as I can judge. It is sad, but the boys' reaction gives me hope, their empathy is a good sign.

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