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Friday 15 March 2019

Postscript Those are the Days

Schlawiner keeps visiting my cats's community. He is a real maniac and comes about 10 times, during the day and night. I feel as if I have a fox visiting my chickens. On some occasions a tomcat sits on the roof, ready for him and "tells him where to go". In particular Adamo is good at that. Would have made a nice video, pity I wasn't ready for that! The neighbours wonder why I try to chase this grey/white cat (Schlawiner) away on the street, while all others are treated nicely. I have started to get those of my "ladies" operated that could still fall pregnant. It is not that we don't like these cute lovely kittens, but "family planning" is a must here. Sweet Hayet is only 5 months old, too young to have the operation - normally - nevertheless Schlawiner fancied her and made her hot. She wiggled her backside and called him, from my awning he answered her. Sorry to break up this "Romeo and Julia" affair, but her body is too for a pregnancy and besides her lover is not exactly faithful, he also chases other ladies. The vet confirmed my fear, in spite of her young age  she can become pregnant. So we were forced to have her operated. Afterwards and the next day Hayet was in a bad mood. She is now okay again, the usual little mischief. The daily theft of cats' food left outside for the unfortunate homeless cats continues. The thief treats it as take away food and steaks it with the plastic or cardboard box, even a damaged pottery box is fine with him. At least I can be sure that no animal took it all. - The other day my husband said to a boy you kids don't seem to spend much time at school. The lad replied we study at home now and can take our exams, no problem. How they manage to study at home and at the same be out on the street all day and partly at night remains their secret. Perhaps the parents work as examiners. Shouldn't think they are rich enough to have their children eventually pass all exams the "California way" (came to light that very rich and/ or famous families paid up to two million Dollars for their children to study at the best universities). I always wondered how Trump managed to study. In a documentary I heard one of his old university professors saying that Donald was the most stupid student he ever encountered . Well, everybody can see that it's usually not the best who make it to the top, can be said just about every country! May be this explains the problems we are facing nowadays. School children are demonstrating in many countries all over the world. They demand that politicians and other folks protect the environment. Wonder whether students in Tunisia join in? I am under the impression that they don't care much themselves. But maybe I see too many ignorant guys around where I live.

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