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Tuesday 12 November 2019

PostScript What is in it for me

"We just require the mere contact to convince the natives that our intentions are pure and honest and that we serve more their materialistic and social well being than our own interest." Henry Morton Stanley (report to the Belgium king 1879).
With high unemployment and raising costs depression is also increasing, yet it is easy to put a smile on the face of even total strangers, give them a smile and it will usually be returned. My husband likes to hand out sweets, just a couple of Bonbons can do the trick. The other day a taxi driver informed us he kept his for his little daughter who told him: "I know the woman you got these from, she often gives me Bonbons too." The kids in the neighbourhood call me "Madam Bonbon". Various products disappear from the shops from time to time ( presently not available) some medications, sugar, milk, butter, potatoes
 not a big problem, imports arrive and after all not everything is constantly necessary. More tourists are arriving, Tunisia is worth visiting, there is more than just a fine sand beach, lots of sunshine, holiday at low costs. Some Russian tourists thought one Dinar pays for a long taxi ride, well I think they misunderstood something, taxis are cheap, but not that cheap. If the meter is switched on you can be fairly sure that you are charged the correct price. While not every taxi driver is honest, the high majority is. Tricksters can anyhow be found in most countries. What have Russian tourists and local folks got in common? Both usually are not very generous with tips I am told. It is of course easier to be generous when you have a reasonable amount of money in the bank. By the way, for unknown reasons Residents and Tunisians who receive foreign currency from abroad don't get the same rate of exchange as tourists do, needless to add a less favourable one. As Wolfgang Borchert put it: " What is a bank robbery compared to opening a bank?"


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