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Tuesday 12 November 2019

Retrospective Thinking Positive

In North Africa the blue colour is very popular, it is used for houses, iron mountings, fences, etc. While cats can't see red they recognise various shades of blue, looks like the little fur angels are well equipped for this part of the world. Kids arrive fully dressed like they are going to play professional football, only problem: their chosen sports field is the crossroads. They advised my husband that this is practised here for 25 years meanwhile. I guess the last two presidents allowed this? Surely there was less traffic, donkey carts..... (we urgently need playgrounds, we usually have 20 to 30 children playing right here). Drivers who know this area frequently slow down ( young motorcyclists to a lesser extend), either because of the cats or the kids, don't know who is thus unwittingly protecting whom. Older cats respect the traffic, check before crossing, look to the right and left while the local children tend more to ignore pedestrians, cars and motorcycles. The street belongs to them but if they are forced they will tolerate the traffic. It appears to be fashionable to keep birds in a cage. Those I have seen differ from those in middle Europe, fairly small, no sand at the bottom, no bath (plastic attachment filled with water), etc. all very basic. Folks often hang these bird cages temporary outside but not always making sure that the chosen place doesn't get too hot. Generally speaking I think we could do with more consideration for animals' well being, if you seek the shadow maybe the animal would also prefer it to bright sunshine. The chickens crowded in cages in front of several shops are not a pretty sight, often "pre-plucked". Because of the stress they suffer they pull out feathers. The situation in Europe is not much better in those chicken "concentration camps", in Tunisia the situation of animals intended for slaughter and sale is more in the open. The heads of cows hanging in front of butcher shops are mend to proof that the meat inside the shop is fresh, I just find it depressing and some Tunisians also expressed they'd wish this practise will stop. - I told a little boy that there is a kitten underneath his family car. I loved his reaction, he bend down saying:" wow-wow, wow-wow." It worked the little treasure ran to a safe place. Clever boy!

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