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Sunday 24 November 2019

What is in it for me

A veterinarian comes to see a medical practitioner. "I shan't tell you what's wrong with me. My patients can't inform me, let's see how you would manage if you were in my shoes." So the doctor examines the veterinarian. Then he writes out a prescription and says: " Take this three times a day after meals, return if you aren't better after a fortnight but I am afraid then I will have to put you down." - Whenever a car parks near my house it is quite likely that a cat will walk underneath it in order to look for temporary shelter or just shadow. The other day I viewed a kitten doing just that. With one boy inside and another little boy outside it looked to me as if the car won't stay much longer and not sure whether the kitten will run in time to safety, I decided to inform the little boy that a kitten is presently underneath their car. The boy's reaction was brilliant, he bend down, had a look and shouted: "wow wow, wow wow. It worked, the kitten got the message and ran to a saver place. Of three lovely black Persian (folks here call them "Turkish" because Turks brought them to Tunisia) tiny cats only one is still alive, one got hit by a car I am told, I found him dead on the pavement. So the mother just arrives with one kitten at my "cats' table" now, very sad. I would have loved to take them indoors, but this wasn't possible, unfortunately I haven't got a farm, not even a garden, just two terraces, a sanctuary farm would be great. Anyhow, my cat community has grown, even though we force "family planning" on our little treasures. At present several require dental treatment, I was shocked to note that this can even be the case at the tender age of four months.
Cancer is spreading and also effects animals. Amira our first Tunisian cat, approx. eight years old, has now been operated for the second time. Should there be another growth then the vet won't be able to save her life, we are told. Amira is like a family member for us, we hope that all will be well. We try to limit the number of cats in the kitchen. Grace developed a special trick to gain access. She jumps on my husband's back, wraps herself around his neck and enters the kitchen together with him. Today our darling Bijoux died. She was 6,5 years old, Amira's daughter, lately in a very poor state of health, only bones and fur, she used to be so gorgeous, in spite of all our attempts to save her life, the vets couldn't help our Bijoux. Sweet Mallek tried to comfort her and stayed with her until her last moments. A real angel (Mallek is the Arabic word for angel, looks like I had picked the right name for him), mainly white soft fur the gentle boy. We miss our Bijoux, every cat is special, has her own character and soul, I remember when she was born together with her sisters Sandy and Soleil and one brother, Tiger. Amira had allowed me to assist her and watch these little treasures seeing the light of the world. There are many things in life that are not really necessary, wouldn't like to live without cats though, they have become essential to me and my husband. There are absolute beauties out on the street, happy if they can find shelter, water and a bit of food. Some folks thought we brought cats from Europe, that would be like taking coals to Newport, owls to Athens.....we found presents from heaven right in front of our door.

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