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Saturday 9 November 2019

Thinking Positive

"Whether coffee or sugar is of decisive importance for Europe's luck, I don't know but what I do know is that these two products founded the misfortune of two great world regions; America got depopulated because one wanted land for cultivation and Africa got depopulated because one wanted humans who do the cultivation." J.H. Barnadin de Saint Pierre, Voyage to Isle de France, Isle de Bourbon (1773)
The sun is supposed to have a positive effect on the psyche and one's well being and since cats love the sunshine of which we have plenty, I had thought cats would be fairly fit here. Discovering that young kittens, only four or five months old, already need a dentist came as a real surprise to me. Little Ricardo had to have three tooth removed, Natasha and Aisha likewise, at least Kitty and Honey are older, approx. five. Their immune system is pretty poor and their gens are often not optimal. It is the price the little darlings have to pay for living on what folks leave for them. Pus in the eye of kittens is not uncommon here, if left untreated, they will loose the eye and die early. Today I noticed pus in the eye of one of those lovely kittens that the mother cat had brought to rest underneath my outside yucca palm tree. It wasn't an easy job to grab the little one whom nature had taught to be cautious. She attacked me as expected in self-defence, therefore I quickly took the screaming baby inside so that the mother won't attack me as well (she was very nervous hearing her little one fearing for her life). I cleaned the eye, used first Physiol drops and then  put a bit of Oxytetracycline Pomade in the eye. Mother and baby cat were happy when the procedure was over and so was I. Time for my usual treatment of myself: Betadine on my slightly bleeding wounds. Luckily I have no intentions to compete in a beauty contest in the near future. As I provide the little family regularly with food we can continue to be friends, can't expect them to understand that my intentions are always good, poor little darlings. What I call my lucky day, may sound a bit strange. Late in the evening I called Honey to come indoors then I heard a familiar call  for me, Amira who went outside a few days ago returned, great to have her back. As we walked inside there is a cat yelling from our roof. It is Bijoux, our very poor sick girl who normally doesn't climb onto the roof. Unfortunately vets can't help her and she hates being taken there. Anyhow, next thing she jumped off the roof onto our awning. With the aid of a ladder I managed to take her down and inside again. Our cats keep me on my toes, but if they are all well I am happy. Now that nights are getting fairly cold and wet, a season that neither cats nor I particular like, we will have a lot of sneezing, coughing, some times even fever, I try to keep them warm with little blankets, but they don't always stay that way. In addition some cats don't choose the ideal places for the night, on the other hand there are groups of cats nestling against each other, a beautiful site. A  man informed my husband he had been told I would sell cats. They are like family for me, who wants to sell family members?

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