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Friday 24 April 2020

PostScript Cats my Destiny

"Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is." Albert Camus
Following the discovery of four cat babies dumped on my property and my provision of temporary shelter, food, water and milk (1/3 milk, 2/3 water as advised by our vet), I was in for another surprise. Three additional helpless little beauties had arrived. So more food and drink, they were quite hungry. How did they get there? Did folks from the neighborhood bring them? Only the other day a lady and a young lad tried to persuade me to accept more baby cats in my house. As much as I would love to, I have to stay realistic, I neither have got the space nor means to do so. Further, our big fur angels community doesn't want to welcome any more newcomers. It always makes me sad that I can't save all. Unfortunately it is not a very common practice here to have one's cat spayed and neutered. All too often kittens are killed and/or dumped with the rubbish. If they don't have to meet the costs at the vet's more folks would take their pets there and help to prevent an influx of unwanted cat babies. At least some guys try to find homes for them! Anyhow, the next day awaited a new surprise for me. All three little beauties were gone. The most likely explanation is that their cat mum brought them, decided it's already too crowded and took them, one by one, to another place. I hope all are well and the cat found a suitable place to raise her siblings. Cats are usually great caring mothers, better than some humans, but then again, they don't worry about having nice clothes and shoes. Maybe I can feed the mother at my Cats' Table (I presume we know each other) and at a later date her kittens also. 

Thursday 23 April 2020

Cats my Destiny

Siegmund Freud commenting about animals:  "Only  as a human did the child distance itself so far from animals that it can insult humans by using animal names."
A little boy whom I had asked to stop yelling in front of my door wanted to insult me and called me an elephant. I replied that I like elephants and all animals. He thought for a minute and then changed my name to cow (those animals with lovely big eyes and all too often terribly abused). Not so easy to insult me, but it was a good attempt. Knowing that we live in an interesting neighbourhood, I tend to check the surrounding of our house from time to time. Just as well, the other day I discovered 4 kittens behind our iron fencing, between tall cactus plants (previous flowers I had to remove as they got stolen or damaged, often willfully). A neighbour told me she saw a young man on a motorcycle throwing a plastic bag behind our barrier, it contained those kittens. They were left there without food and water, in an area not easy accessible and view. Luckily the little darlings were not aggressive, only hungry, thirsty and frightened. The only shelter I managed to offer them is a box-like opening in the house wall, with a little door, fairly well hidden behind another part of our barrier. It is where lately another cat gave birth to four lovely babies. Though I fed them there, one day all disappeared, only the mother still comes to my door, but I never viewed her carry away bits of food for her babies (unlike many did before). I really don't know where she took her kittens to nor whether they are still alive. With a bit of luck the cat mum would feed the new little fur treasures, well at least worth a trial, she actually had a look at them but decided they don't belong to her family. Not easy to find a good home for them (one grey shortened tail, two all black, one black with white bits). One had an eye closed. (Can even be with pus.) So easy to treat: First Physiol solution for rinsing, then a bit of Oxytetracycline pommade for further treatment (very cheap from the pharmacy), great result, a lady from the neighborhood taught me this! By the way, kittens are born blind, then often have blue eyes but this is likely to change. Either way, they are so sweet and worth protecting. From time to time folks try to persuade me to accept further additions to our big cats community, it always makes me sad having to refuse this request. Had I known earlier that cats would be my destiny I would have bought a farm with ample space or at least made sure there is a fair sized garden. We had to give up our plan to "discover" Africa (lots of travelling) in order to have enough money available to provide for our gorgeous fur family. In view of the Corona virus visiting many African countries is generally no longer a recommendable idea anyhow, at least for the near future. The love  we receive every day from our fur angels is plenty of reward. Living with them is better than any holiday! - A cartoon from the internet: little dog talking to his daddy. Dad, why do humans now have to wear muzzles? Reply: Because they are too stupid to understand simple orders like Sit and Stay.

Saturday 11 April 2020

Cats sent from Heaven

"One can of course also live without animals, but it isn't worth it." Erich Kaestner
Cute baby kitten Capucco (named after the late Archbishop of Jerusalem) sleeping on my lab while I am typing. He is just a few weeks old. I discovered him at my Cats' Table. I wasn't going to take more addition to my big fur family ( had to send several folks away that were looking for a for- ever home for cats). Unfortunately I haven't got a farm, only limited resources. Further our little treasures must accept any newcomer and he or she must feel well here. Some take longer to integrate than others, every cat has her/his own personality. Capucco knows where to find me and it is amazing how quickly this little bundle of joy manages to jump on my lab. Every morning he leaves his tree basket and punctually waits for me in front of my bedroom door. My husband proudly declares Lilly, Mallek and Diana love him more than me. I joke: " I don't understand what they see in you, I am more beautiful, more charming, more dedicated....should we ever (highly unlikely) separate, I guess you would go to court so you can keep them?" As a matter of fact just like us cats have their favourite human and/or animal. Our late Bijoux adored my husband, while our late Honey, Saladin and Filou believed that I am the greatest.  (Cats die much too young I still feel very sad when I think of these wonderful little darlings no longer being there). Quite a few cats manage to share their love equally. Several, 4 or 5 at a time, like to cuddle together before going to sleep. The black beauties, Lilly, Adamo and Natasha  are no longer all black (with a bit of white: socks, bib, part of the face), the sun changed 3/4 of their body to a lovely warm brown colour, while the fur of Grace changed from grey to a beige colour. Nathalie and Khaled kept their pretty black fur, Alien and Adele their grey patches. Tariqqa, Aisha and Myriam experience no problem with having only one eye, while Grace repeatedly started to bled where the eye had to be removed and in addition suffered nose bleeding. Thus had to take the little darling repeatedly to the vet. Poor sweety accepts it all without mourning. Mallek is blind on one eye, I am glad it doesn't have to be removed. We can learn so much from cats, it is better to be modest, learn to appreciate having someone caring for you then you can find happiness.

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Cats, Concerns, Careless Life

Lucia, great mummy

Janina and kitten Capucco

Disinfection of streets

"Men, children, cats and dogs, I treat them all the same." Marita Seneca (late friend of mine, psychologist, never found out whether the great ancient philosopher Seneca was her ancestor.) -Curfew, this "stay at home" has just been extended for yet another two weeks, this means five weeks altogether. Some kids want to play football again, they are addicted and don't understand what it's all about. Almost no traffic, quiet roads, silence in a normally rather loud and busy quarter. With restaurants and meat selling shops (apart from supermarkets) closed, there is less food available now for homeless cats and dogs. In addition some really uninformed cold hearted guys kick out their innocent  animal, thinking it might transmit the virus (utterly nonsense). I checked some places where cats tend to meet (thereby protect us against rats, mice, etc) and was happy to note that here are folks who share food with these little four legged darlings and also don't forget to leave water for them, usually in a shortened plastic bottle. I hope croquettes will continue to be on sale in Tunisia as a lot is imported and with Corona production is likely to be slowed down. I would hate to see my gorgeous little treasures hungry. They really need and appreciate my "cats table". Today I overslept and my lovely Tiger did his best to wake me up, he knows the right time without ever employing a clock. And there they were, all these beauties singing for me: "We are hungry, hungry....". The water meter is installed behind a kind of box created in the house wall. For a while I noticed that the door of this box was being opened and wondered why as it was not easy to access behind flower pots and a fencing. The explanation came as a real surprise to me, Lucia, one of my regular visitors to my cats' table, had chosen the box to have her kittens there, four of them. Not a bad choice, well protected against bad weather and little hooligans, food and water pretty close by. Only regret I couldn't clean and make the floor more comfortable for the little family. I have been told that some folks around here envy my cats, they believe that the cats are better cared for than they deserve, salami and mineral water, expensive for the poor. Actually, I don't think these persons should be eating pets' food (salami for cats and dogs), okay, sometimes in the past it was also turkey sausage - but then I myself stopped eating meat many years ago. Concerning the mineral water, we have too many cats to afford buying this for them. Our doctor advised us not to drink the tapped water in Tunisia as it contains too much lime and would make us sick. I guess we have been watched buying much mineral water. By the way, with less tourists here for the time being, shouldn't our good citizens perhaps start to understand the importance of expats for the economy? They bring more money than a tourist on a short, often all inclusive, holiday. Further, several Europeans help and support homeless animals here, feed them and take them to the vet if necessary. To those who say that they could also do with someone paying for their medical treatments, I would like to answer that the money the vet receives also helps others, money circulates, besides, I have helped some persons - within my limits - to pay for necessary medical treatments. During this difficult time with the Corona virus, threatening young and old, rich and poor, black and white folks, we don't need envy and selfishness, but solidarity and wisdom.