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Saturday 11 April 2020

Cats sent from Heaven

"One can of course also live without animals, but it isn't worth it." Erich Kaestner
Cute baby kitten Capucco (named after the late Archbishop of Jerusalem) sleeping on my lab while I am typing. He is just a few weeks old. I discovered him at my Cats' Table. I wasn't going to take more addition to my big fur family ( had to send several folks away that were looking for a for- ever home for cats). Unfortunately I haven't got a farm, only limited resources. Further our little treasures must accept any newcomer and he or she must feel well here. Some take longer to integrate than others, every cat has her/his own personality. Capucco knows where to find me and it is amazing how quickly this little bundle of joy manages to jump on my lab. Every morning he leaves his tree basket and punctually waits for me in front of my bedroom door. My husband proudly declares Lilly, Mallek and Diana love him more than me. I joke: " I don't understand what they see in you, I am more beautiful, more charming, more dedicated....should we ever (highly unlikely) separate, I guess you would go to court so you can keep them?" As a matter of fact just like us cats have their favourite human and/or animal. Our late Bijoux adored my husband, while our late Honey, Saladin and Filou believed that I am the greatest.  (Cats die much too young I still feel very sad when I think of these wonderful little darlings no longer being there). Quite a few cats manage to share their love equally. Several, 4 or 5 at a time, like to cuddle together before going to sleep. The black beauties, Lilly, Adamo and Natasha  are no longer all black (with a bit of white: socks, bib, part of the face), the sun changed 3/4 of their body to a lovely warm brown colour, while the fur of Grace changed from grey to a beige colour. Nathalie and Khaled kept their pretty black fur, Alien and Adele their grey patches. Tariqqa, Aisha and Myriam experience no problem with having only one eye, while Grace repeatedly started to bled where the eye had to be removed and in addition suffered nose bleeding. Thus had to take the little darling repeatedly to the vet. Poor sweety accepts it all without mourning. Mallek is blind on one eye, I am glad it doesn't have to be removed. We can learn so much from cats, it is better to be modest, learn to appreciate having someone caring for you then you can find happiness.

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