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Thursday 23 April 2020

Cats my Destiny

Siegmund Freud commenting about animals:  "Only  as a human did the child distance itself so far from animals that it can insult humans by using animal names."
A little boy whom I had asked to stop yelling in front of my door wanted to insult me and called me an elephant. I replied that I like elephants and all animals. He thought for a minute and then changed my name to cow (those animals with lovely big eyes and all too often terribly abused). Not so easy to insult me, but it was a good attempt. Knowing that we live in an interesting neighbourhood, I tend to check the surrounding of our house from time to time. Just as well, the other day I discovered 4 kittens behind our iron fencing, between tall cactus plants (previous flowers I had to remove as they got stolen or damaged, often willfully). A neighbour told me she saw a young man on a motorcycle throwing a plastic bag behind our barrier, it contained those kittens. They were left there without food and water, in an area not easy accessible and view. Luckily the little darlings were not aggressive, only hungry, thirsty and frightened. The only shelter I managed to offer them is a box-like opening in the house wall, with a little door, fairly well hidden behind another part of our barrier. It is where lately another cat gave birth to four lovely babies. Though I fed them there, one day all disappeared, only the mother still comes to my door, but I never viewed her carry away bits of food for her babies (unlike many did before). I really don't know where she took her kittens to nor whether they are still alive. With a bit of luck the cat mum would feed the new little fur treasures, well at least worth a trial, she actually had a look at them but decided they don't belong to her family. Not easy to find a good home for them (one grey shortened tail, two all black, one black with white bits). One had an eye closed. (Can even be with pus.) So easy to treat: First Physiol solution for rinsing, then a bit of Oxytetracycline pommade for further treatment (very cheap from the pharmacy), great result, a lady from the neighborhood taught me this! By the way, kittens are born blind, then often have blue eyes but this is likely to change. Either way, they are so sweet and worth protecting. From time to time folks try to persuade me to accept further additions to our big cats community, it always makes me sad having to refuse this request. Had I known earlier that cats would be my destiny I would have bought a farm with ample space or at least made sure there is a fair sized garden. We had to give up our plan to "discover" Africa (lots of travelling) in order to have enough money available to provide for our gorgeous fur family. In view of the Corona virus visiting many African countries is generally no longer a recommendable idea anyhow, at least for the near future. The love  we receive every day from our fur angels is plenty of reward. Living with them is better than any holiday! - A cartoon from the internet: little dog talking to his daddy. Dad, why do humans now have to wear muzzles? Reply: Because they are too stupid to understand simple orders like Sit and Stay.

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