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Friday 24 April 2020

PostScript Cats my Destiny

"Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is." Albert Camus
Following the discovery of four cat babies dumped on my property and my provision of temporary shelter, food, water and milk (1/3 milk, 2/3 water as advised by our vet), I was in for another surprise. Three additional helpless little beauties had arrived. So more food and drink, they were quite hungry. How did they get there? Did folks from the neighborhood bring them? Only the other day a lady and a young lad tried to persuade me to accept more baby cats in my house. As much as I would love to, I have to stay realistic, I neither have got the space nor means to do so. Further, our big fur angels community doesn't want to welcome any more newcomers. It always makes me sad that I can't save all. Unfortunately it is not a very common practice here to have one's cat spayed and neutered. All too often kittens are killed and/or dumped with the rubbish. If they don't have to meet the costs at the vet's more folks would take their pets there and help to prevent an influx of unwanted cat babies. At least some guys try to find homes for them! Anyhow, the next day awaited a new surprise for me. All three little beauties were gone. The most likely explanation is that their cat mum brought them, decided it's already too crowded and took them, one by one, to another place. I hope all are well and the cat found a suitable place to raise her siblings. Cats are usually great caring mothers, better than some humans, but then again, they don't worry about having nice clothes and shoes. Maybe I can feed the mother at my Cats' Table (I presume we know each other) and at a later date her kittens also. 

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