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Tuesday 23 August 2022

It is not just Fun

 "A hunter who returns from the forest with a goat is a thief." "Not all old people are wise, some foolish young people grew old too."                                      Ubuntu African Proverbs                                                                                        Visited the cemetry for Christians near Sousse. Mainly but not only Europeans are buried there. Among them a German lady we have known for a few years. During this heat a lot of watering is required for all those beautiful flowers. The dedicated gardener does a good job. Lately his work has been more demanding, not only because of the very hot season, but also because some shameless thugs had stolen the engines of the three water pumps from the wells that are used to water the plants and for some other works. Now water has to be delivered daily in tanks. The cemetry toilet door has been forced open and the toilet bowl stolen as well. The cemetry's funds are limited, they depend on donations, their charge for maintenance is modest (20 Dinar per year), quite a few relatives/friends only appear once, say they will return, but never do. Out of sight, out of mind. Traudchen Lier, the lady from Khala Shirgha I mentioned above, used to have many folks poping in for coffee and cake or even lunch, strange, nobody apart from us visited her grave, so the gardener informed us. Very sad. Anyhow, should the dedicated management of the cemetry manage to aquire enough funds to replace the stolen items, there remains the risk of these getting stolen again, not easy. Are we heading for an elbow society? I hope not. We need more solidarity. - For a while now the household water supply is stopped from approx. 10.oo p. m. until 5.oo a.m, I guess to reduce the water consumption. Presumably it doesn't apply to hotels. Anyhow, as the pipes get flushed with some additives, the water in the morning looks milky and can not be used for anything but cleaning. Just letting the water run until it is clear again, means wasting water for 10 to 30 minutes. I hate to do this and in the evening I fill some bottles while the water is more or less okay. We avoid drinking it and try to also give mineral water to our cats. I know there are areas in Tunisia, mainly in the south, where folks would be happy to have tapped water. Quite a few cats die of kidney problems and other illnesses, like stones, that can be related to bad water. What is bad for humans is also bad for their little bodies. They come running to me expecting food, good care, pur and want to cuddle, my reward. Looking into their beautiful eyes tells me it is worth it. I shall never understand why some folks treat ferals like vermin. We need more good education, ideally starting in the kindergarten. Talking about Kindergarten (pity it is not free and available for all kids), seeing 4 very young boys riding a motorbike, doing some dangerous driving, makes me wonder whether they got their lisence there? Nobody seems to care. I once tried to speak to the father of the boy that likes to set a bad example, it doesn't worry him. In Europe I did some training how to recognize and avoid possible dangers at work, in the house and outside, which resulted in me usually seeing more than others and having difficulties to ignore. The general believe, though, is nothing happened so far, why worry. "Trust in Allah but fasten your camel well." (Proverb from Libanon (?)). 

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