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Monday 22 August 2022

Sandy an Obituary

 Until the lion learns to write, every story will glorify the hunter.          Ubuntu African Proverb.                                                                                               The 21st of August 2022 is a sad day for me as my lovely very special darling Sandy passed over the rainbow. Not long ago, in May, we celebrated her and her brother Tiger's 9th birthday. In Tunisia cats are considered old at that age, but not in Europe. The tapped water which they often drink here (if nothing worse) is of a very poor quality and certainly not good for the health of the cat's small body. We mainly gave mineral water to Sandy and her family and their blood and urine test results usually were fairly good. Anyhow, the mother Amira allowed me to be present when her 3 girls and 1 boy were born, a very special experience. One day while my husband was sleeping, Amira decided he might as well babysit for her kittens and brought one after the other all her babies next to him in bed. I noticed and had a good laugh before my husband woke up. Pity I didn't make a video or at least take photos. As Sandy got older she decided to become my special girl, love me more than any cat, tolerate my husband as much as unavoidable. At night she would pur me to sleep, cat's "la-le-by", amazing experience. She liked to crawl underneath my blanket and ly on top of me. It was wonderful having her and I feared the day it would stop. About a year ago my golden/white coloured sweetheart decided to spend more time on the terrace and some nights also. She wasn't happy with us having so many cats and told them to keep a distance. My little treasure had problems with her teeth and gum, she hated vets and medications. After 7 days at a veterinarian's she lost a lot of weight (over the phone we were told she's fine) and didn't recover. A few days back at home, in the beginning drinking a lot, eating special tinned food, at first eating well, then less and less, hardly moving and finally she passed away while I stroked her and told her I want to return at least some of the love she gave me. I shall never forget my great beautiful girl, so very special. I thank heaven for having send me this gorgeous angel. 

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