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Wednesday 31 August 2022

Postscript It is not just Fun

Carlo, Janina and Alfonso

 "When the mouse laughs at the cat, there is a hole nearby." "Every closed eye is not sleeping and every open eye not seeing." Ubuntu African Proverbs Difficult to find 100 % fruit juice on shelvings in supermarkets, one more product considered too expensive for sale? Strange, I recall information not very long ago that the harvest of oranges creates a problem as the surplus is too big for processing. Why then does the orange juice in shops usually not contain more than 10 to 20 % of orange fruit and why isn't there a larger amount of orange marmelade
Sweet Sandy

on sale? By the way, apple juice is also rare, but at least one can find it occasionally, during Ben Ali's dictatorship this wasn't the case. Before the revolution one could sometimes hear Tunisia hasn't got chocolate. My husband wondered, why do they say this, it isn't true. I replied, try the chocolate on sale and then you will understand. This also has changed, much better quality and in addition also rather expensive high quality from Europe. Not to forget delicious sweets made by locals (e. g. Chocolat pour tout type de cérémonie,  Ordering baguette filled with salad, egg, thunfish, French fries, etc, asking not to make it hot with Harisa, this is usually ignored - either the seller didn't listen or he believes you don't know what you would be missing, hot Harisa is a must. Well, when I was younger I enjoyed it, but now it gives me heartburn (gastric pyrosis). Happened over and over again. Need to watch closely that guy  who prepares the snack, or stop eating this altogether. Limited choice of cards for special function on offer, guess it's different in Tunis, anyhow I decided to use some of my own photos and get them enlarged to postcard size. Surprise, surprise, one photo with beautiful flowers and a guy with his donkey, the cap matching the flowers, was enlarged but cut, showing only half the man. So I decided to try another photoshop. My husband showed this picture and stressed that we don't want the man with his donkey cut off. Well, someone dealing with developing and cutting of photos, decided that a photo with just flowers would be more modern and left only part of the donkey's head on the side. We returned the photos and stated that this is not what we asked for. 

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