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Monday 1 August 2022

Life ain't Easy

 "Never worry about who will be offended if you speak the truth. 

Worry about who will be misled, deceived and destroyed if you don't." Dr. Patton. 
Being asked what I like best in Tunisia, I guess my answer came as a real surprise, it is not the lovely beach, the interesting historic buildings, the food, etc. but the cats, they are so absolutely gorgeous, though their life certainly ain't easy. I overheard a mother advising her small child not to touch a cat, "they are dirty." This is not true. They usually have a white bid, white socks and maybe a white tummy, perfectly bright white, even the so-called strays, amazing. The only exception are sick and old cats, not even all of them. Is this so unlike humans, when you are no longer young and fit, do you always manage to remain proper and neat (without support)? In the morning, while having breakfast (and at other times during the day), I wish I were an octopus.... having just 2 arms and hands to cuddle so many cats seems to be too little. At present my sweet black Diamond, 2 months old, sucks my arm. She misses her real mum and tries to relax with her vice mummy, she does this a lot. Luckily I still have a bit of Baby milk for her and the other 3 kittens (all found in front of my door, from different families). With raising prices more and more folks have problems making ends meet., this effects also feeding their pets. Some let their cat out to eat with strays at my Cats' Table, or help themselves to the croquettes I put outside. It is better than throwing out the 4 legged family member in order to save money. The street is not a place that is good for their health, in addition there are other dangers like traffic and disturbed kids and youngers throwing stones, kicking, hitting innocent animals, just for fun.... . The other day I watched a kindergarten- aged boy throwing a small stone at one of "my guests". When I told him off, 2 of his friends declared that he didn't do this and never would! They lied so convincingly , had I not seen it with my own eyes, I would have been tempted to believe them, the mini Donalds..... . Is this really normal behaviour for little boys? I am shocked. - Our sweet ferals decided it's time to modernize my dress, they cut slits with their multi useful claws. That is why I won't wear silk or other more or less expensive clothes in the house. If you love cats and have many around the house you have to live with some plants suffering, our "children" don't have "green thumbs". In their opinion plants should be suitable for climbing, even though they have their tree, designed to do some scratching and claw care. Most of the day our ferals are sleeping, the most lively are of course our babies, they are little mischieves and like to play together, some times a bit rough, supposed to prepare them for cats' life demands. - It may seem surprising, but I miss my beautiful puppy babe, not quite one year old. It wasn't easy having him and 30 cats in the house and on our 2 terraces. I was hoping to find a good family for him, with a big garden, plot of land, maybe a plantation. I have been misinformed, or should I say tricked? Having been advised there is a teacher in City Riad, near Sousse, who wants Djego to protect his house, some animals and big garden, I thought he is offered a better life than I can provide for him. It was agreed that I give Djego 2 days to settle with the new family and then I visit him. Guess I was too naive, what followed was excuses why I can't see him and attempts to make me believe Djego is happy in his new surrounding. As a matter of fact it looks like my poor boy was put out on the street, I can't help crying, in this heat without shelter, water, food, walking on hot stones, streets, pavement, frightened of cars, other dogs, stray cats, disturbed kids and youngsters, bad folks, much noise - can't think of a less suitable animal out on the road. My husband tries to tell me I shouldn't worry so much, he came from the road....  I actually found him on 22.10.2021 then 2,5 months old, very close to death, bite wound on his throat (from a dog), lying on a piece of cardboard, trembling, screaming with pain. We took him to the vet Dr. Saloua Ben Fredj, (who luckily starts work early in the morning), he stayed for 5 days and I must say the veterinarian did an excellent job, Djego fully recovered but remained traumatised. Lately he had become a bit calmer, no longer reacting to all the noises of our loud neighbors. I feel depressed, but still keep a tiny bit of hope that my Djego found good folks helping him and that he will return one day. I would let him stay with me if he wants to. He didn't seem to like the small kittens, but he never injured a cat. 
See my post: "Too little progress" - for a photo of beautiful Djego and "No time to get bored" for more Info

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