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Monday 3 July 2017

Postcript Environmental Conscience

A couple of days following the advice on the mobile phones (just about everybody posses one, including children)that water is rare and needs to be saved, I viewed several more street floodings, two approx. 50 m long. My neighbour (the one whose broken window pane landed on my terrace, drying clothes, etc. as this was due to "higher forces" never considered informing us, never mind apologising - the folks here never ever make any mistakes), well one of his sons, took his motorbike out of the garage next door and washed this and a family car on the road in front of my house, this of course included a change of oil. A  large black patch remained on the road (smell of petrol in my house) and an approx. 2 m long water patch on my concrete strip (designed to prevent cars from attempting to park inside my house) and partly even higher on the house wall. I guess I no longer need to be surprised about having moisture in that wall. My neighbour managed to keep the area in front of his house clean of course, after all, he does care for the environment, at least there. Just now water is splashing out of the neighbour's projecting pipe from the first floor. And by the way, there are a couple of shoe prints on my house wall, at a height of approx. 1,5 m. Looks like someone has been "driven up the wall". Whenever the young man next door  attempts to repair his motorbike (obviously not an expert), this doesn't just mean extreme noise but also vibration of the floor, like a slight earthquake. When you come to Africa, always expect the unexpected! The neighbour leaving a patch of water on my wall/the attached concrete strip? That was wishful thinking, it's actually oil! Pity we never see any police around here. Some need to be forced to abide by rules and regulations!

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