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Thursday 20 July 2017

Postcript Why it matters

I don't know whether some folks were always the way they are now or, if not, what made them like that. Certain behaviour I never encountered in the past, like when it comes to fetching a taxi. Though there appear to be a large number of them, not an easy task. I remember seeing in Muenster (Germany) a poster showing a bus full with passengers and a motor-vehicle column to demonstrate how many additional cars would be on the road if each person sitting in a bus would drive by car instead. On various occasions young folks (mainly) snatched the taxi we actually stopped. One woman entered the taxi we finally managed to get (after nearly one hour) and said: "Let's share it, we must help each other." Okay, sounded reasonable.  Another woman got into a taxi in which I was already sitting and insisted it's her taxi. Since she wouldn't listen to any reason and the driver appeared to be helpless, I left it to her. Today we stopped a taxi and as we were telling the driver our destination, a woman appeared on the other side of the road, swearing at the driver, advising him to kick us out and take her instead, as it was "her taxi". He was not impressed/ not amused by her! Another case of not America, not Tunisia, but "Me first"? In Great Britain where I lived for several years, you can find real gentlemen and ladies with refined manners (some folks changed following the 'Brexit', unfortunately) and I some times wonder, had Tunisia been a British colony....... Perhaps not nice of me to think like that, yet on various occasions I miss good manners and even though one is constantly asked here: how are you, I can't help but feel this politeness is just superficial, most of the time (a bit French style?). I remember Tunisian folks being very charming, beautiful broad smile, rare nowadays. The other day when I offered a woman that she'll be severed first, she looked so surprised and then thanked me with that catching gorgeous smile. Please let us have more of that, make Tunisia beautiful again. Let us show respect and consideration for each other.

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