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Friday 21 July 2017

What we don't need

There is so much totally unnecessary noise here which makes everybody nervous and many a bit deaf. You rarely hear kids talk normal, or should I say yelling is normal in this quarter of Souse? At present we have a lot of wedding celebrations, out in the open, often with life music, loud enough for the deaf to enjoy it too. I felt sorry for those celebrating on the square where 2 garbage containers are normally standing (women from houses facing this area constantly try to keep it clean, chapeau), on the occasion pushed to one corner, still pretty close to seated guests, yet people dumping their household waste, that from the garden, etc. not only into the containers but also around it, quite a lot, like they are used to. So sad. In another area I watched a butcher dumping into a container large lumps of raw meat that he transported in a big plastic tub, just like that, looked like half a cow being disposed in an open garbage container. - Yesterday a teen said to me, out of the blue, next to my house: Get lost! I replied: this my house. He maintained the one next door belongs to his family. I know it's a lie. What is going on in the heads of these disturbed children? A little later a young man, a quiet pleasant person, without any obvious reason (is that needed around here?) suddenly got beaten and kicked by one teen, 2 others joining in, fell down onto the street, knocked out, unconscious. Screaming women appeared and some men. They poured water over him, trying to re-animate him, in vain. He was brought into hospital. The staff declared, at present we have no doctor at work, take him home. (No doctor, not even on call? In case of an emergency just hard luck?) The family insisted that he remains in hospital in view of his condition. He woke up next morning and a thrombus was discovered in his head. Now the brawler's mother is trying to persuade the victim's parents not to go to court. I know the rowdy and his pals as angry young men, full of aggression, something needs to be done before it's too late. Finding an excuse for whatever children/teens get up to doesn't mean you care for them, they need to learn the right values, respect, empathy and to control their aggressions. By the way, the kid who said "get lost" to me, doesn't even live in the direct neighbourhood. We don't understand why these hooligans are daily meeting in front of our house, frequently leaving sunflower shells on  the ground and other rubbish as their "markings". Various folks stated they wouldn't let their children play and mix with the terrible children that come here. Heaven knows why here and not in front of their houses. One boy had an explanation: the neighbours don't like it. Cheers!

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