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Friday 14 July 2017

We live and learn

I dreamt I was in the jungle with howling monkeys, when I woke up it was just the usual suspects, yelling kids from the neighbourhood. - The average age of the approx. 10 million Tunisian population is 28, in this part of Souse it must be 10 which maybe explains some problems, why should the majority show respect for those few elderly who are for unknown reasons still around? Noise, lots of it, is great fun, so is motorbike racing and why should the engine of a car be switched off,  when you are only stopping for 5-10 minutes? Equal rights mean girls can get just as angry and yell just as loud as boys. When kids beat each other, it is just their way of educating each other (when parents haven't got the time to do so, or the children are only repeating what their models do). The other day I saw 4 small kids hitting and kicking with a lot of aggression a young man twice their size. He did not defend himself, astonishing. You can see really beautiful children here, quite a contrast to their appalling manners etc., I guess marriages are frequently a choice of looks rather than character, education, intelligence, values.....Tunisians who work in Europe, e.g. Italy, France, Germany, coming here on a holiday or returning, (and several locals) are not happy with the new generation of wild and angry children, the changed attitudes, they don't want an elbow society and know Tunisia can do better. - As broom sticks that I use as a support for my plants (in front of my house behind a metal barrier) are frequently stolen, I assume at least one witch must be living in the neighbourhood, who often needs to replace the stick of the broom she uses for a ride.- Strange, police hasn't got a good reputation, even though we never see them in this part of the town. A taxi driver said he had 2 passengers who went on a 12 TND (Tunisian Dinar) trip, at their destination they pretended to fetch the money, but never returned. When he reported this fraud to the police, he was informed: "There is nothing we can do."  Okay, it's a small amount, but taxis are cheap, often only 2 TND or even less, not a quick way to make money. Now, if word spreads that up to an amount of let's say 20 TND (or more) passengers don't have to pay if they don't feel like it, it would actually mean free rides for most folks, for many journeys during the day. Result: Taxis are making a loss and disappear, less cars on the road, but the bus service is not so good that one could say taxis aren't necessary. Some times not easy to fetch one, a bit like in the jungle. This perhaps explains why some taxi drivers are real "prima-donnas", too much traffic? Not happy to drive to your destination, they'll drop you off near by, the walk will do you good! - Trump's famous words: "America first", several Tunisians have an answer to that: "Me first!" Last comer first served: "I'm in a hurry", if you queued up, you must have plenty of time and nothing better to do. A woman approx. 4 times my weight, trying to press in front of me, got a real surprise when she discovered I wouldn't let her, for educational reasons as when you are successful with your rude manners, then you have no reason to change, on the contrary it will  convince you that you are on the right track. We need less school holidays and more education, some times very basic education, plenty of jobs! Early reaction and preventive measures can save a lot of money. Make Tunisia beautiful again.

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