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Monday 17 July 2017

Why it matters

Some uneducated folks misunderstood the new freedom after the revolution, they now feel relieved of their responsibility for their children and their acts. The state authorities interfere  less, perhaps thinking that way everybody is happy, while really many are unhappy with the new development. Getting nervous and depressed, they don't want a selfish elbow society where all do what they want, few what they should. Children and teens suggest as a running joke: "Call the police."  The constantly yelling and running kids in this part of the town are obviously disturbed, neglected, no happy home! Many children doesn't necessarily mean you love kids, not if you let them roam the streets and let the life there be their teacher. They won't learn values, respect, responsibility or any shame by the look of it. Though some actually say sorry, they hardly ever mean it. - I watched a slight accident, 2 young men on a motorbike slightly touched a boy who fell, uninjured. Out of nowhere screaming women appeared. Had the boy been hurt, they doubtlessly would have given him a real beating! Yet the boy, one of a group of kids, misused the street junction as a kind of football field, absolutely ignoring the traffic. They kick their balls anywhere at any time, several times nearly hitting people on a motorbike, cars, folks just walking. I viewed 3 balls getting flattened by passing vehicles. Near accidents are common. Parents say it was always like that, already the grandparents played here night and day. Really? Were they angry and aggressive as well? Are we talking about a time when donkey carts were the usual means of transport, very few possessed a refrigerator, mobile phones didn't exist? If you want everything like in the past (not all was bad) there won't be any progress. By the way, I've been advised, in years not so long ago, police would arrive if kids roamed the streets at night. Many here say the children are terrible (in  this part of the town, not everywhere, thank God), one man stated, perhaps the authorities will react if we have a severe accident. Early invention can prevent high costs to society. Quite a few teachers and   others with an academic education are unemployed while there is such a large need for education, sad story.

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