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Saturday 16 December 2023

Hell on Earth

 "If you are not careful, then the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppression."  "The Zionist argument to justify Israel's present occupation of Arabic Palestine has no inteligent or legal basis in history." Malcom X.   "We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of Palestinians."  "Having achieved our own freedom we can fall into the trap of washing our hands of difficulties that others face. Yet we would be less than human if we do." Nelson Madela 1997.  "Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country and a finer world to live in. " Martin Luther King. 1959.      Netanyahu had promised to make Israel a safer place for Jewish people, yet he achieved the opposite. He did a lot of harm not only to Israel's reputation in the world but also to folks of Jewish religion all over the world, including those who absolutely appose his politics and brutal merciless war in Gaza, many call it a war against children, 70 % of the killed Palestinians are women and children. Did the Israelians think they are terrorists? The military employ a lot of artificial intelligence (AI), killing and destroying is easier and more extensive that way. In addition, when they want to sell their weapons, they can promote these as already successfully tested. The former Israelian Prime Minister (2008/09) Ehut Olmert called Netanyahu a distaster and said that he should go/resign immediately, "We must completely move out of Gaza. Two states are the only solution". He further stated that in his opinion it is essential to have a different government in Israel and different people to represent Palestinians, a solution can only be achieved through negotiation, Palestinian must decide who should govern them, not Netanyahu, he is not a politician and doesn't want a Palestinian country., he tries to make it impossible. Contrary to international laws there are already thousands of settlers, often with extreme ultra orthodox views, living on occupied land and Netanyahu intends to build another 1,600 homes in East (Arabic) Jerusalem. Settlers are allowed to carry guns, they are accustomed to getting away with murder and in addition, when they attack Palestinians, burn their olive trees, etc., army and police don't try to stop them but rather protect these criminals. Recently settlers even managed to dress up in uniforms in order to terrorise Palestinians. Following the murder of several Palestinians by settlers, France, US and other countries want sanctions and demand Israel to  stop and punish them. By the way, Netanjahu' s  war minister is a settler himself. One day, when all illegally on occupied Palestinian land living settlers are hopefully evacuated, they should have to leave everything behind, as a small compensation of what they destroyed. Further, it is high time to make Israel pay for what they willfully destroyed, schools, hospitals, houses, infrastructure, etc. Several buildings and institutions were built with money/donations from other countries, they must have the right to demand that. All too often what properties Israel destroyed, were simply repaired or rebuilt with money from EU, UN, etc., again and again, thus the Israelian governments had no reason to change! Several days ago the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz said in an interview that in his opinion Israel is "a democratic state with very humanitarian rules" and he trust them to do what is right. In a discussion a professor, (sorry, didn't catch his name) from Oxford University, who specialized in International Human Rights and laws, expressed his surprise that Scholz made such a statement, after all Germany signed the Geneva Convention!  Letting people die of thirst, hunger, for a military advantage, violates International Human Rights. His Israelian colleague, Eitan Diamond, advised that there are so far no proofs that the war in Gaza is in proportion (as retaliation to the mascara committed by Hamas)  The consequences of the army attacks are predictable as Israel receives reports and exact coordinates from the concerned organizations, including number of civilians in a school, refugees camp, hospital etc. Nevertheless water and electricity are cut off, hospitals are forcibly evacuated without any respect to patients in intensive care or even in the middle of an operation. According to the WHO representative there have been 160 attacks on medical institutions and 17 UN schools, (figures constantly rising, so probably higher meanwhile), never before have so many UN members and journalists (64, 14 injured, 3 missing) been killed, NGO folks risks their life, as well medical staff, ambulance drivers. The recent killing of an Aljazeera journalist, his colleague injured near a school, was particular brutal, medical help was prevented by Israel, he was left for hours to bleed to death. Aljazeera deferred his case as a war crime to Den Haag. Israel admits that 10 % of their soldiers died of "friendly fire", thus killed by mistake by their own army. The first time I heard this expression was in connection with the Vietnam war. The reason given was soldiers being under the influence of drugs. Now Netanjahu had to admit that 3 Israelian hostages that escaped from Hamas hostage-taker, have been shot, mistakenly (in spite of a white flag, wearing no shirt and shouting "Help" in Hebrew, source France 24) "regarded as a threat". One can assume they didn't carry any weapons, so why shoot? Trigger happy or trained to kill whatever moves? All of this must end. As a Professor for International Human Rights and laws suggested: "Forget America, they always unconditionally supported Israel, we need a new sensible and honest government in Israel and Gaza." They must  negotiate a 2-State solution and Palestine must be provided with everything and all the help she needs. It will take generations to overcome all the hate and trauma, but it is the only solution. 

Saturday 9 December 2023

What Happened to Our Civilized World?

 "If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity."  Albert Einstein   "Nothing is more important than sympathy for another human being's suffering. Nothing, not career, not wealth, not intelligence, certainly not status. We have to feel for one another if we are going to survive with dignity."  Audrey Hepburn   " How could we become what we are oppose to?"  Hadar Morag (Israeli film maker). " Hell is other people. "  Jean Paul Satre                                                          It is the 60th day of war in Gaza. Officially are nearly 18. 000 Palestinians killed, many women, 6000 are children, this doesn't include maybe a thousand or more persons who are still lying underneath crushed buildings. 7600 Palestinians are missing. 46,000 are injured. Figures are constantly rising. Doctors including those of International Human Rights Organisations, UNICEF, Safe the Children Fund, Doctors without Borders, etc, said the situation of the children is unbearable, broken bones, kids losing limps, a hand, arm or leg because there aren't the resources to operate them or Israel ordering the evacuation from a Gaza hospital before or during an operation. The military Israelian spokesman declared they killed only 2 civilians for every Hamas terrorist, a ratio that is acceptable, he says. That would mean they killed approx. 9.000 Hamas members. Besides, even if the figures are correct, is it really okay, is it human? Don't folks of Jewish religion believe that if someone saves one human life it is as if he/she saved all mankind? The children are traumatised, what they have seen and suffered even at a very young age, is undescribable horrible. Many have lost one or both parents, no home no save place, no protection any longer possible from the persons they love and trust. A hopeless world, what happened to our civilization? How can US vote against an immediate cease fire on humanitarian grounds, while even (though a minority)  Israelians and Jews in Amercia and Europe demand an end to that war ("Not in my Name. ") 'Doctors' without Boarders ' condemn the US decision, they call it a complicity in killings. Golda Meir once said: "We can forgive Palestinians a lot, but we can't forgive them that they force us to kill their children." Is this how they justify in their head their cruelty? During the 2 year war in Ukraine considerably less people died than during the 2 months in Gaza and there is less destruction. Since the UN's excistance there have never before been so many UN employees killed. Those attacks on ambulances and hospitals, clearing hospitals, are all international humanitarian war rules no longer applicable? Israel appears to be willing to make Gaza uninhibitable for Palestinians, destroying the infastructure, flattening residential areas. There is no longer a save place for civilians, not even UN schools, shelter, hospitals, ambulances, Netanjahu and the members of his far right government seem to play a bloody game with Palestinians. The already in a most densely area living folk in the world squeezed to constantly smaller areas. Looks like Palestinians are told to walk around in circles, a "soft target" with hardly any /or no food, water, medical aid, shelter. No hope, no security, no future. 

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Postscript Sow Wind, harvest Storm

 "All war is a symtom of man's failure as a thinking animal." John Steinbeck.   "Lies often appear more logic and appealing than the truth, because the lier has the big advantage to know in advance what the audiance wants to hear." Hannah Arendt.  " An African can not be a foreigner in African country."  Ubuntu African Proverb.                                                    Scientists discovered that the intelligence of the human race is not only no longer increasing, but actually decreasing. In German parliament a discussion about the war in Gaza and the terrible Marsarce on 7th October. One German MP said the people " were killed because they are Jews." As simple as that, nobody pointed out that there is a history to it, unbelievable suffering of Palestinians, a brutal occupation force (read the reports of international human rights organisations and see the documentary "Breaking the Silence", made by ex - forces members), a desire to take revenge led to this horrible massacre on innocent folks. And now Israel (not supported by all its citizens) takes terrible unlimited revenge on innocent Palestinians. That has nothing to do with the constantly quoted "right of self-defence". Besides, if anybody has this right, then surely the people whose land is illegally occupied. Half a million settlers, most of them ultra orthodox with extrem attitudes, live occording to international law illegally on Palestinian land. Settlers have recently killed six Palestinians in the West Bank, they repeatedly burn very old valuable olive trees, threaten to kill and shoot at Palestinian farmers who want to harvest their olives. France 24 showed a video, no mention on German news or "ntv". Limited information leads to double standards. All lifes matter! In Gaza hospitals without fuel for generators, incubators, supply of oxygen for the severely sick, no electricity in operating theatres, premature babies forced to die, doctors overwhelmed, close to a nervous breakdown, no water, no anesthesia, no medication, medical staff having to fear for their life, attacks on ambulances - are such circumstances acceptable? Haven't we achieved already internationally valid laws to be observed for the protection of civilians? Aren't ambulances, the Red Cross (and the equivalent in Arabic countries), UN schools, hospitals, UN employees, journalists supposed to be protected? Humanity seems to be taking a big step backwards. Violance creates violance. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, leaves half the world blind and toothless. But anyhow, the "an eye for...." demand was made to say: Don't let your revenge get out of proportions. Does the Moslim or Judaism religion justify hatred of the other religion? As a matter of fact there are many simularities, even more than with the Christian religion. Halal is the equivalent of Kosher (though kosher is even more strict). "Tahara" means pure in Hebrew and Arabic. Islam requires Muslims to respect people of all faiths, and this clearly includes followers of Judaism. Doesn't happen? Well it did in the south of Spain, El Andalus, 9th-12th century, The Golden Age, which ended sadly when backward Christians took over and the church created hell in a former paradise. Listening to Netanyahu, I feel he learned a lot from D. Trump: Deny the obvious, even when caught with a smoking gun, say you never touched a gun. Repeat your lies over and over again, make your audience confused and wonder whether you are perhaps speaking the truth? Don't trust your eyes, trust my words..... Not all Israelians and other Jewish folks support Netanyahu and his politcs. Moslims all over the world need to understand this. (For heavens sake no witch hunt). Hadar Morag, an Israelian filmmaker, said: When my grandmother arrived here, after the Holocaust, the Jewish Agency promised her a house, she had nothing, her whole famly was exterminated. She waited a long time in a tent." Then she was given a house, fully furnished, with the plates of the Palestinian owners still there. She left and declared that she wants to move back to her tent." I will never do to anyone else, what was done to me. " Hadar Morag asks: "How could we become what we opposed?" 

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Sow Wind, Harvest Storm

 "When you bury the past, make sure you avoid friends that know your graveside." Ubuntu African Proverb. " Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world would do this, it would change the world ."  Wilhelm Faulkner.                                                                 We keep hearing about Israel's legal right to defend itself, strange, in several European countries and US, it seems to be seen as a right that doesn't exist for Palestinians. The other day Netanyahu advised that "all civilized countries support Israel." (Reminds me of Gandhi who visited UK and when asked what does he think of civilization in the western world, replied: "I think it would be a good idea.") But what does "self defence" stand for? If being attacked it is acceptable to defend yourself or others in a Reasonable manner, using Reasonable force to prevent the attacker from causing further harm or injuries. This means, if you e. g. kill a burglar in your house, there should and in most countries would, be an investigation whether you absolutely needed to kill him. Now that more than 10.300 Palestinians are killed, among them many women and 4.204 children, 88 UN employees and 30 journalists, is this legal self defence? How many of those killed and those injured (23.000) were actually attacking Israel? Did the patients in the Al Chud and Al Shifa hospital in Gaza, many severely sick, thus unable to get up, represent a threat to Israel? Dr. Mads Gilbert and another doctor who worked for many years in the aforementioned hospitals, stated that they received many threats and were warned by Israelian authorities /military that they would be classified as terrorists and killed if they don't leave. Interesting definition of terrorists. Netanyahu justifies Israelian strike on an prior announced ambulance convey in front of the largest hospital in Gaza with there being an important Hamas terrorist on site (who in their opinion must be eliminated) and bunkers (many counties have shelter bunkers, is that a crime?) as well as tunnels used by Hamas terrorists, who would carry out their attacks from the hospital. So Israel killed at least 50 Palestinians in order to terminate the life of one Hamas member. Is this acceptable occording to the Tanakh (Torah)? An extract of the Ten comandments: "Do not commit murder. Do not steal. Do not tell lies. Do not be envious of others." YHWH (God) told Moses that if these rules are not followed, YHWH would punish people who disobeyed these. The commandments aim to help Jews to become better people, treat others with respect, show solidarity with the poor and helpless, brotherly assistance to those in need. Not unlike the demands of the Quran and Bible. Israel as a religious state, how does it all fit together? Settlers are all too often Extremists, used to getting away with murder in an Apartheid state, presently attacking Palestinian villages in the  West Bank. Israel proudly declares that they have now succeeded in dividing Gaza in 2 parts, North and South, like Korea or formally East and West Germany? Gaza is very small, less than the size of the German town Cologne. 25 000 tons of bombs have meanwhile been dropped there, more than in any previous wars. Do they want to make Gaza a graveyard? UN chief Antonio Guerres said that it is becoming a graveyard for children (less valuable than hostages )? Why doesn't Israel allow independent monitors? I remember a time when Israelian forces on purpose broke bones of Palestinians with stones. The at the time American minister of foreign affairs, Henry Kissinger, advised the Israelian government to learn from apartheid state South Africa and make sure there are no journalists etc. on site. At least South Africa learned from history, like the Irish, as well as some South American states, and now support Palestine. High time to end the illegal occupation and stop the war crimes. Why should Palestinians pay for the crimes of Nazis? It is a sad truth that most countries are capable of committing terrible crimes. The Nuernberg trials after the war, where several big nazis (not enough, the DDR was more thorough than West Germany) were held accountable ( death penalty) were a brilliant idea, judges from America, Russia, Great Britain and France. In my opinion, unfortunately not even those countries learned from history. At least we now have the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Den Haag. Germany's unlimited support for Israel is understandable, but being blind reference the atrocities/war crimes, is it a real help? Quite a few Israeli and other Jews consider Netanyahu a threat to their safety. He clings on to power because he would go to prison in Israel for corruption and money laundering when he loses his immunity, his wife also participated. If I am on the highway to hell, I would hope my real friends would tell me so and try to stop me!!! I believe several other European countries and US support Israel because of a bad conscience, their lack of help for jews (not just from Germany, Hitler also transported jews from many other occupied European countries) during that horrible Nazi period. Many knew of the Nazi crimes, some even of the Holocaust, but pretended they didn't. Even the pope was informed, Rolf Hochmuth wrote a play about it: "Der Stellvertreter" (The Deputy, meaning God's deputy, the pope), also published as a book, well worth reading. Most stages at the time refused to play it, a subject considered too hot. As a child I believed that these unspeakable Nazi crimes, hell on earth, would cause Jewish folks to become extra sensible to human sufferings, make them a mountain of empathy. Now I wish to shout from every mountain: Palestinians are not Nazis, don't take revenge on them. 

Tuesday 24 October 2023

Postcript A bit of History

 "The idea that we could control the course of our life through rational choices is as absurd as a fish trying to control the ocean in which it swims."  Elif Shafak  "A fool sees another man's downfall as a topic of discussion. But a wise man sees it as a warning to himself." George Bernhard Shaw.  "If you never met the devil along your way, just know you are both heading the same destination."  Ubuntu Proverb.                                          There is much talk about Israelian right to defence itself, does this right not exist for Palestinians? For all I know Israel is the best and most modern equipped army of the world and they sold a lot of  "already successfully tested" weapons.  Nevertheless US /Joe Biden appear to feel they need more. When an elephant is at war with a mouse (somebody famous used this comparison, not sure who) then I have problems supporting the elephant even though I like elephants. Israelian refusal to allow the delivery of fuel, electrity e. g. badly needed by hospitals (in one alone  pre-mature 50 babies will die once the hospital runs out of fuel, needed for generaturs, doctors advised ) may well constitude a war crime. UN stated that at least 100 daily trucks of aid (food, water, medicine, plus fuel) are badly needed, what is presently allowed is "a drop in the ocean."  Aprox. 3000 Palestinian children, including babies, have already died, as well as 29 Palestinian journalists and 19 employees of an UN aid organisation. An orthodox Christian Church has been hit, where refugees were expecting to receive save shelter. 18 died, including 1 baby. An UNRWA school was bombed, leaving 6 dead. The international rules for protection of civilians are pretty much ignored in the most densely populated area in the world. One million people, including children, old, handicapped, sick, pregnant women are told to leave, when there is no safe way to leave and no safe place to go to. The Gaza Strip is quite small, only 41 km long, but can that be an excuse to kill so many civilians? Israel says Hamas hides behind civilians and even in hospitals and they absolutely need to crash Hamas.... those who want to support Israel unconditionally seem to believe that " eliminating Hamas" takes first pirority, over protection of civilians. When Antonio Guterres secretary-general of the United Nations, stated the need to protect civilians and to abide by international humanitarian laws, which are clearly violated, and  that one must also understand that Palestinians suffered 56 years of depressing occupation..... he remained one of the few voices with empathy for both sides. The Israelian minister of foreign affairs condemned this statement (is it a crime to criticize Israel, no matter what they do?),  demanded Guterres resignationand and called Hamas the New Nazis. Is this the latest fashion? I remember Putin telling Russians that they must free the Ukraine of New Nazis. Anyhow, I strongly believe that without that evil Hitler and the horrible holocaust committed by Nazis, Israel would be a different country. Scientists say that what parents and grandparents experienced leaves marks on their grandchildren's brain. This terrible feeling of being defenceless several try to overcome by committing atrocities themselves, (a phenom not unknown in psychology)  in my opinion Palestinians are "the Jews" of the Israelian government, many settlers and other parts of the society. By the way, collective punishment was a Nazi method, they called it "Sippenhaft." They also knew the importance of manipulating public opinion. One could get the impression that not only the whole Jewish population in Israel, but also the Jews living in other countries fully support Netanyahu and his actions. Fortunately this is not the case. "Not in my name" - European Jews condemn Israel's war in Gaza. They don't want to be the human shield of the state. The "Jewish voice for peace" petition calls for an immediate end to Israeli attack on Gaza. They don't believe that "Jewish supremacy" can achieve peace.      A different world is possible. Let us not forget the great Uri Avnery, writer, journalst, politian (member of the Knesset 1965 - 74, 1979 - 1981) founder of the Gush Shalom Peace Movement, veteran of the 1948 Palestine war. Uri Avnery received the Sokolov Award, Right Livelihood Award, Bruno Kreisky Price for Services to Human Rights, he was the founder of the Israeli Council for Israelian-Palestinian Peace. Born in Beckum (Germany) on 10.09.23, this Ray of Light passed away in August 2018. - In America students (e. g. Harvard University) demonstrated for Palestine. One should think in a democracy it is okay, freedom of expression, but their names were blacklisted, meaning they will face in future problems finding jobs equivalent to their academic education. "Brave new world." 

Sunday 22 October 2023

A bit of History

 "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak the truth." Seneca  "Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil." Thomas Mann   "When you destroy someone's life with lies, take it as a loan, it will come back to you with interest." Mercy Guinita.                                          I remember a time when Israel/ Sharon advised that Yessar Arafat prevents peace with Palestinians, he must be deported. Bruno Kreisky, Socialist, Jew and chancellor of Austria, replied: " If you ask Arafat to show the grave of his father, he will say:" No problem, I can show you the grave of my father, my grandfather, my great grandfather, and so on. " If you ask Sharon to show the grave of his father, he will have to travel to Russia." Bruno Kreisky also stated that he is the only European head of state whom Golda Meir can't blackmail. Several Jews would love to call him an antisemitic as he criticizes the Israelian politics. Golda Meir said:" Following the Holocaust we can now do whatever we like, no one has the right to criticize us."  Listening to statements from various heads of state and several European citizens I sadly miss empathy and knowledge concerning Palestine, or mentioning the constant violations of International laws by the occupation force. When I was approx. 10 years old I heard that Israel created a flowering landscape where before only a kind of dessert existed. Later on I learned that Israel destroyed and flattened Palestinian villages, made the population flee through terror, and planted trees to hide the truth. The other day I was shocked to hear the CDU politian Latschek in a discussion repeat what I heard as a child. No one corrected him. Going further back in history, when Israelian terrorists blew up the King David Hotel, at the time the Head Quarter of the British Army, they killed 91 officers. Begin's photo appeared on a poster as a "wanted terrorist." The British government decided to withdraw from Palestine earlier than planned as the situation seemed to be unmanageable. They further decided (for reasons I can not understand) to leave behind their weapons and other army equipment. So the first killings of Palestinians started even before the British army's withdrawal was completed. Many Palestinians fearing for their lives left their fully furnished houses, just kept the key, hoping to be able to return one day. These houses Israel then offered to jewish immigrants from various countries, no explanations, but some wondered what happened to the original owners. - It seems to me that not many citizens in Europe and America are aware that about half the Palestinian population consists of children, many under the age of 5. The director of "Save the Children Fund" pointed out that a survey carried out last year brought to light that 4 of 5 Palestinian children suffer mentally. Hardly surprising in view of the conditions under which they are forced to live, experiencing that even their home is not a save place, Israelian forces and settlers being allowed to humiliate their parents and other family members, being helpless when subjected to often practiced collective punishments (e. g. complete distruction of houses belonging to big families). Liberal Israelians don't want an Apartheid State, they don't support rasism against Moslems, Christians and other religions, they fear Netanyahu destroys their Democracy. "Breaking the Silence" is, by the way, an interesting Documentary by Israelian ex army members, reservists, shocked how Palestinians were treated by members of the forces. 

Wednesday 27 September 2023

My beautiful big Wild Family

 "Beware of people who dislike cats." Irish Proverb  "Without tolerance our world turns into hell.  Humor is the mask of wisdom.  Who sows fear, reaps weapons.  Nothing that    has been thought, can be taken back.  The world is bad, but not without hope. It is only hopeless from an ideal viewpoint."   Friedrich Dürrenmatt.                                                       My first worry in the morning, are all my adopted feral kids of various ages (from 3 weeks to 11 years) okay? Due to a usual poor immune system especially the young kittens are endangered. A sudden death is always a shock. For two years now Calcivirus is a big and often deadly problem. It effects the gum (red, bleeding) and teeth (brown, starting to decay) and gives a bad smell from the mouth. So it is not just blocked noses but a. o. also the Calcivirus that makes a cat /dog stop eating. Those infected need a veterinarian, dental treatment, and injections etc. as soon as possible. The best preventing is always vaccination, but unfortunately I can not pay for 30 cats getting vaccinated. Ignorant folks who keep dumping their unwanted kittens in front of my doors (and those of other animal supporting citizens) don't think of this or just don't care. Seeing the plight of innocent animals and being unable to help is difficult to take and terribly depressing. For unknown reasons even women (usually) driving big expensive cars, kick out cats and dogs, either secretly or saying they haven't got enough space /an animal that fights with this one, etc., the mother of the kittens/puppies disappeared/ died, or they found these animals outside. All very strange. I would suspect that they have more space than me, most probably even got a garden, unlike me. Those citizens know a lot of Fairytales. Nevertheless, I love my big feral family, children of all colours:  golden-orange with white bits, black/white, all black, grey, cream/white, all white, 3 colours (always female my vet advised) orange/black/white (Chiquita, Esperanza, Celine) mixed dark colours, light yellow, golden yellow, long or short hair, expensive breed e. g. Persian, Siamese ( Amelie, Minusa) or not, mixed with Persian breed thus long hair (Melanie, Maruth, James) dainty (Paulinchen, Chiquita, Daisy) or overweight (Riccardo) , more or less handicapped: only one eye (Tareka, Myriam) half blind (Malek and Mary), fully blind, ( sweet Lulu), young black beauty with complicated broken bones near back leg that cannot be operated here (amazing Johnny decided to ignore his handicap, one can feel one of his bones almost sticking out), one baby of Madonna paralyzed back legs (born that way). Those with one colour plus white often have a white bib, tummy and socks. Some are easy to care for, love to cuddle and get along with everybody, others dislike certain cats (for unknown reasons, wrong perfume?), some kitten orphans that arrived without a mother teaching them, recognize straight away their toilets as such, some mothers gave birth in my absence without leaving any blood stains. My big boy Riccardo doesn't get on with all of my other children, but he is never aggressive with me, not even when I end a verbal or actual fight and carry him downstairs from the roof, or give him some kind of medicine - which usually is the moment when other feral family members hate me (briefly). Malek, my daily "masseur" and cuddle champion, unfortunately suffers liver problems, as the blood test brought to light. The prescribed special croquettes appear to be very delicious and are at the same time quite expensive. Luckily (for my purse) he should only have 40 grams, maximum 50 per day. Malek finds this okay as an hors-d'oeuvre, yet he doesn't understand why the main meal isn't serviced. How can a big boy live on a kid's portion? Does his mummy no longer love him? It is those questions I fear and I try my best to convince him of the opposite. In addition his expensive medicine doesn't seem to agree with him. I have decided to split his daily (liquid) medication into 3 portions. In order to prevent Malek helping himself to the usual croquettes that I feed to my other little treasures, or them "stealing" his, I have to seperate Malek at feeding times. Soon after he starts to complain about his plight, poor boy. All not easy. The croquettes for kittens are difficult to find. Tunisians rarely buy them, unlike those for puppies. I guess it's because they prefer to take very young puppies, (often too young to be seperated from the bitch) and they value kittens less high as one can find them all too often forced by ignorant persons from their loving mother's paws and thrown out on the street, with good chances to starve, die of invections or abuse, get run over by vehicles etc. or are just too young to survive without their mother's milk plus having to cope with a rough world. Anyhow, not only my kittens love their croquettes, the adults too show great interest, so I here too have to interfere. My very special darling Madonna allows me to work as her waitress (she would look me straight in my eyes and declare that she is hungry and I must serve her some delicious food), assist her with her babies (if one climbed out off the basket she calls me to find and return it for feeding and cuddling with her), do the toilets - but not touch her as I am only a human and not a cat! I respect her attitude and I am prowd of having her in my house. My husband said: " We have so many children, pity they can't help us with the work in the house, or at least the shopping (we appear to be constantly buying mineral water as that from the tap is not recommended as drinking water)." As long as my wild family is reasonably health I shan't complain. Why wild? You should see them first thing in the morning, when nearly 30 cats rush into my small kitchen and demand to be fed first.... 

Friday 22 September 2023

Postscript Hot days and Tropical nights

 "Teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning." Ivan Welton Fitzwater.  "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." Albert Einstein.  When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. " Jimi Hendrix                                  It is autumn now, yet the heatwave continues and there is still no rain. This doesn't induce some folks to stop wasting water - watering the streets. Do they intend to plant something there? The UN chief said the climate change has opened up the gates to hell. We had a power cut in Tunisia for 4 hours during the night. Accustomed to street lights being switched off at 5.30 a. m. while it's still dark, I woke up through the sudden darkness. Like in other countries the power cut encouraged those with criminal energy to break in shops and houses. Two who injured themselves in the process got caught quickly. We were lucky, I only had a bowl stolen filled with croquettes that I leave outside for poor hungry cats. Surprise, surprise, my note stating that these items are not placed there for stealing, resulted in my bowl (empty) being returned. Some neighbors don't just let their cat out to get a free meal at my Cats' Table, but also help themselves to cost- free croquettes for their dog or cat. Occasionally I am asked if I got any to spare. Well, it is good to know that cats can here too find a family. The other day an elderly overweight man addressed me on the street and told me that I should stop feeding cats, didn't understand why he doesn't like them. I replied that Allah sees all we do and let him judge whether it is right or wrong what I am doing. I cannot understand how cats (and dogs) can be disturbing in a neighborhood where kids and youngsters are out on the street most of the day and late at night and in addition as a rule appear to lack education and good manners. They are very loud and my husband wonders why other roads are quiet. What is the attraction here? As there aren't any benches, stairs and pavements are used as a substitute. Why don't they meet near the Mosque, a more inviting area with trees and benches? Or go to the beech? Folks in other countries dream of such a lovely beech, within walking distance. 

Saturday 9 September 2023

Hot Days and Tropical Nights

"Not all grey hair you see symbolizes wisdom." Ubuntu African Proverb. "No man is born to be wicked, but man makes man to be wicked." Nigerian Proverb. "If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough." Opral Winfrey.           Extreme heat during the day, even early in the morning already bright sunshine, feels like living in an oven, high air moisture levels in addition is not very helpful. Rather warm wind from the Sahara, called Chili, may be exotic for tourists, but it is not exactly refreshing. Animals are also feeling exhausted, my cats ly flat on the floor, we have to be careful where we walk, as the roof is less attractive for them now until the sun goes down. Catastrophic weather condition in many countries, man made clima change, leads to reduced harvest or even the complete loss and thus it is not surprising that 20 countries imposed export restrictions for major food commodities, e. g. rice, vegetable oil, cereals, etc. Before the war North Africa and the MiddleEast received 50 % of their cereals from Russia and Ukraine. This explains several empty shelves here. Once upon a time Tunisia exported cereals and wheat. People are complaining about too high petrol prices, but many are still letting their vehicle engines running idle for 10 to 20 minutes or more, kids and youngsters continue to ride motorbikes just for fun. Pity they are not aware that this is bad for the environment. We continue to find very young kittens in front of our house, unfortunately neither our income, our space, nor our energy is unlimited, besides, we haven't even got a garden. Further, our big feral family feels there shouldn't be any more additions. Sweet Mary demonstrates she doesn't like it. Accustomed to spend part time outside, but always sleeping indoors, she refuses to do so when new kittens arrive, even in front of our house, the usual "solution" for those who don't want to keep kittens. Madonna, a very special little treasure, just had 4 babies. Being unexperienced, she felt overwhelmed and after feeding them she used to take a rest on the bench. After 2 babies passed away, Madonna decided to spend now more time with her little onces. Hopefully they will survive. The father is either 'Ali ben Habib' or Schmusi, who both got a bit too late sterilized. Madonna doesn't trust/like humans, only cats. I am not allowed to touch her, but she will look at me and declare that she's hungry and deserves something delicious. I love the sweet darling. Well, not all cats are alike, makes living with these little treasures more interesting. Their life isn't easy, all too often. Sometimes even for those who are lucky to have a family, not always a lasting relationship, in spite of all the love and loyalty cats offer to possibly  ungrateful folks. In parts of Indonesia selling and eating of dogs' and presumably cats' meat is banned, thanks to animal protection organisations, horrified tourists, and people's fear to catch rabbies or some other illnesses. Nevertheless in other areas of Indonesia restaurants continue to have dogs' meat on their menue, even worse, they buy pets' meat from families that perhaps think their dog was growing too much over the years, considered to be no longer cute. Isn't it like betraying, selling and eating "a family member" ?  A nightmare, absolutely sickening, unbelievable what brainless, evil folks are capable of doing. In addition pets' meat is more expensive than that of strays, as they are usually better fed. So shameless persons without a conscience are sadly even rewarded. Though animals are also in other countries all too often not treated well, at least such practice is unimaginable and haram in any Moslim and Christian state among others. I judge folks according to how they treat animals and do wish life does likewise! - In Sousse town authorities promised to do a clean up of littered streets. They did a good job, in an area that had a lot of it, papers all along the pavement of a school, litter dumped around a rubbish container, all gone. Clean streets, happy to see this, in particular where the residents are very friendly and polite. I always felt they deserved a neat surrounding. Hopefully guys of all age are prepared to keep the streets clean and stop dropping their rubbish wherever they are. We found that young persons if addressed, often apologize and pick up the plastic bottle, wrapping of snack, or other stuff they throw where it doesn't belong. We are now waiting for rain, lower temperatures, the return of sugar and other items, less raising prices. By the way, sometimes an unexpected compliment, even for a stranger, can put a big smile on the face of fellow citizens. I love it.                                        

Photos above:  

Tareka and Carlo.                                                                                                                            Clean streets as requested by good citizens. 
Kitten found in front of my door (without the mother only survived 2 weeks) and 2 babies of Maradona. 
Sweet Myriam in a bag - not for sale, she just tried to find out whether she would fit. 

Sunday 20 August 2023

Postscript Not always what you Expect

 "To a wise man a warning is a blessing. To a fool it is an insult."  "A wise man fills his brain before emptying his mouth." Ubuntu African Proverbs  "When you want to help people you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them want they want to hear." Thomas Sowell                 Had 2 of my beautiful feral boys spayed and neutered, Ali ben Habib and Schmusi. Not a big thing for the males ( therefore much cheaper than for the females) and they are perfectly fine afterwards. Cat babies are very sweet, but it gets out of hand if all females have 4 or 6  babies and this on top of that every year. Pre school kids knock at our door. They say they stopped other kids from hitting cats, but had to fight with those children and got robbed of 4 Dinar. They asked my husband to compensate them. Nice try, kids here have a lot of phantasy and are always happy to earn a bit of money or just sweets. Several hundred years ago Christians held cats in their cathedrals in order to keep out mice and rats. Flaps in the doors allowed cats to walk in and out. The eldest one was discovered in a 14th century cathedral door in Exeter, U. K.  The cats' performance was so much appreciated that even a certain income was fixed, allowing to buy additional food if needed. In Turkey you can find a beautifully decorated bus, looking like a big cat. The fare is tins of Thuna that a cats' shelter receives. If I were a cat, I would find a paradise in Turkey. - While many citizens sweep in front of their doors and wipe their pavements (usually paved according to their taste or what they can and are willing to spend) there are others who are just tenants or live some where else, so either aren't interested in keeping the town clean or think it's normal to drop your rubbish wherever you go. Lately this seemed to be getting worse, so good citizens complained to the town authorities and are promised that women will be employed specially to clean several areas. Also this bad habit of parking on pavements is supposed to be tackled now. There are busy roads where pedestrians just can't use the pavement, too many cars and even the best rules and regulations are useless if no action is taken. For a short while I saw those "parking claws" on vehicle wheels, but they disappeared again. While tourists are usually advised to take just a copy of their passport when they go out, even in Europe, (leave the original in the hotel in a save place) a policeman told tourists from Germany that they must always carry the original. Well, I did when 2 street robbers appeared on a motorbike. They drove up very close to me, ignoring my husband walking behind me and just pulled my handbag of my shoulder, very professionally. I was lucky the strap tore, otherwise they may have pulled me behind their motorbike. Such cases do happen. Anyhow, I was robbed off an expensive smartphone (a gift) with now lost photos, my passport and a few other items. Getting my passport replaced didn't just take a long time, but it was also quite expensive, if I remember correctly approximately 320 Dinar. So for a very long time I stopped carrying handbags and the only gold I wear is my wedding ring.   The shelvings in supermarkets are lately not as well filled as they used to be, among other staple food rice, sugar and flour are missing. Lake of sugar has stopped the production of Coka Cola and Fanta, I am told. But why are there still those sugary water drinks with just a little bit of fruit juice (20% if you are lucky, more likely only 10 % or a bit more) on sale? I remember 100 per cent fruit juice and my favourite, apple juice - haven't seen that for months..... Anyhow, think positve, it can only get better! 

Monday 14 August 2023

Not always what you Expect

 "Competion is the law of the jungle, but cooperation is the law of civilization." Peter Kropotkin  "We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." Plato   "Every time I have been inside a slaughterhouse, I expected to find monsters. But I found something far more terrifying, I found out how easily humans can be conditioned to do monsterious things." Robert Sud.   It appears to be festival season now. The open air life concerts are right in front of our door, so we neither need to spend time nor money to listen to them. The road gets blocked at 3 p. m. and the celebrations start at 9.30 p. m., this is planning oriental style, thus no hurry and a sure way to keep the area free of unwanted traffic, parked cars or just the rubbish collection van (usually 7 p. m. but one never knows). The hosts (weddings or other parties) in the past used to invite us or/and bring around a plate of food. Times are changing, some folks are nowadays very shy and didn't dare to address, not even inform us, yet in one case surprised us with a "noise protection wall" right along our house, nice try, but didn't work. Anyhow, they generously left our pavement for us to move freely. Lots of fireworks with loud bangs, even bengali fire, all for free until 3 a. m., a happy neighborhood in good spirit. Don't worry, be happy. In view of possible deaf folks being present, even that is usually allowed for, the loud speakers are quite something, the "Getto Blasters" are nothing in comparison. Most motorbikes haven't got a registeration plate, this could be an additional income for the state, but I guess it's not needed. In addition it could help the police to trace thieves and street robbers, perhaps though not much of an issue. Tunisian folks are law obeying and after all stealing is not allowed. -  I have been hoping that our big feral family would be in better health now that the winter is over, no more sneezing and coughing. But no, their immune system appears to be not very strong. The best protection against the various viruses here would be vaccine, but unfortunately I can not afford to pay for so many and the protection only lasts one year. Years ago, when we had only 6 or even 8 cats, we did get them vaccinated, but we don't receive donations and aren't rich. Guess our neighbours would be surprised if they would find out how modest we live, well, our little feral treasures trust and depend on us. A good day is when all are well and relaxed. Lately this wasn't the case though, several cats  seemed to be feeling very tired, weak, had fiever and an infection in the mouth. One of those viruses the poor cats catch here. Luckily nowadays more and more medications don't need to be imported any longer, including several designed for kids, in some cases also suitable for cats or dogs (not automatically the case, vets should be consulted first) and in addition local products are of course cheaper than imports. Which is just as well in view of generally low wages. A few days ago I discovered a little black kitten dragging her back legs along the street. It looked as if one or both legs were broken. The poor darling was crossing the road near my house. Fearing for her safety I picked her up and took her to our veterinarian. It turned out that she was actually paralyzed from her spine, an injury caused by either an accident, perhaps a fall or through an attack with a stone or stick. Even worse the little one was not able to empty her bladder. When the veterinarian used some painful pressure at the lower part of her body, quite a bit urin mixed with blood ejected. He explained that this procedure would be necessary once every day. I was under the impression that I can do this, but it turned out to be more complicated. So I took my sweet Precious back the next day, watched and thought okay, I'll manage. I was mistaken, my brave little kitten screamed, bite me, all in vain. Her big tummy got me worried, I felt so helpless. I planned to take her back to the vet the next day, not sure what would be the right decision, in a way Precious seemed to be so brave, eating and drinking, but I did not want her to suffer. Later on in the evening she refused her medication, biting her teeth together. I forced her to take some nevertheless, but had a bad feeling, she may not survive the night. The veterinarian had already warned me that the little darling hasn't got a  chance to live long. Later on in the evening when I checked how she is, I dicovered Precious had passed over the rainbow. Her suffering and her short life had ended. May she rest in peace. 

"Sound protection wall" 

Precious with Sunny

Jeremy and Schmusi 

Ali ben Habib

Precious, brave little baby

Preparation for live concert

Saturday 29 July 2023

Postscript Summertime and it ain't all easy.

 "What you don't want to be done to you, don't do to others." German Proverb  "The tree that bears good fruits receives more stones and trouble."  "The devil without a horn and tail is more dangerous than the one with a horn and tail."  "You are beautiful, but you can't eat your own beauty, learn to work."  Ubuntu African Proverbs  "How then is perfection to be sought? Wherein lies our hope? In education and nothing else. Rules for happiness: Something to do, someone to love, something to hope for." Emanuel Kant.        Our beautiful feral daughter, Minusa, stopped eating and in general seemed to be not well at all. Bad breath, red gum, brown teeth indicated the need for dental treatment. A blood test revealed more, apart from the already discovered fiever, her blood contains a much too high amount of the white blood corpuscle, thus anemia. The pharmacy advised to not give the medication together with food, while the include instruction leaflet stated the opposite. I noted  repeatedly that pharmacy staff doesn't appear to be as well trained as in the past. In view of many relying on their advise as they cannot pay a doctor's consulting fee (if you are lucky 40 Dinar, but more likely to be 70 Dinar at present) on top of paying for necessary medication, this is bad news. But on the other hand you may be lucky to find a qualified doctor running a Pharmacy. Anyhow, Minusa turned out to be a clever little cheater. She made a big show when I tried to make her swallow half a tablet. Then she walked over to the bowl of croquettes and eat some. To my surprise I afterwards discovered the tablet among the croquettes. I am not very popular with my feral children when I turn up with their medicine, they appear to think I better spend the money on something delicious. Well, such is life. For a short time eggs disappeared from the market. Meat being too expensive for many and then also no eggs available? There are of course alternatives, but not everybody sees it that way. Today eggs were on sale again, you never know for how long. Life is full of surprises. Still no rain and pretty high temperatures. Feel like melting. On top we had that hot wind from the dessert, called "Chili". We are longing for the normal refreshing wind and of course some rain. Within 6 months this year approx. 800 people died in Tunesians waters, trying to reach Europe. Very sad, worse than ever. In 2018 Tunisia was the first Arabic country in the world to crimilise racism, we can be proud of that! While quite a few folks in Europe think that North Africans have a dark colour of skin, this presently applies to only 10 - 15 %  of the Tunisian citizens. With raising temperatures we ought to find in future all over the world more folks of colour, in particular those kids out on the street all day. That will make life difficult for racists. For those who believe the light colour of skin indicates superiority, the British made a clever joke during the dark nazi years in Germany: "What does a member of the Master Race  look like? Well, blond and tall like Hitler, slim like Goering, perfect figure like Goebels." By the way, when you hear the extreme loud sound, see and smell the stinking black cloud of those motorbikes ridden by youngsters and even kids, and wonder why, well they manipulate the filter and don't care for environment protection. They think this is real freedom. In Europe police would confiscate the motorbike and possible also the driving license, if it exists. It won't be easy to achieve a different attitude among the ignorant. One must start with the kids and they hopefully will educate their parents, it may sound strange, but when kids start asking questions, there is a chance they make the adults think what they are doing. A woman who returned with her family from Germany told me their still very young children were shocked to see folks dropping their rubbish just anywhere. They asked why do they do this? In the end they decided not to live in Tunisia, it no longer felt like home. Very sad, Tunisia could be a beautiful country if more citizens would understand the need to protect the environment and be kind to animals. By the way, a plastic bottles collector with a poor young donkey that had to carry a heavy load during very high temperatures, told me his donkey shouldn't drink while working. I asked a veterinarian is that okay? He was shocked that I asked such a stupid question. His reply: "Sadly many don't understand that their " tool" is an animal with feelings and requires looking after, e. g. enough water to drink in order to survive. " - Several elderly neighbors died lately. Keep hearing the Quran from the loudspeaker of that special van used to transport the corpse. Behing the van a group of walking men, women don't attend according to a long tradition. We could do with more trees, there is not much shadow. Quite a few planted by the French during their occupation of Tunisia have been felt unfortunately. The avantage of trees, a group of one kind in particular that is  be like a green roof, protecting against too much sun, one can still experience, in particular near Mosques. There are often also benches, a place to relax. 

Wednesday 19 July 2023

Summertime and it ain't all Easy

It is too hot

 My blind boy Lulu

"Try and fail, but don't fail to try." Malawi Proverb  "There is no medicine to cure hatred." Ubuntu Proverb  "A hungry free man is better than a well fed slave." Liberian Proverb     "I think that hate is a feeling, a feeling that can only exist where there is no  understanding."  Tennessee Williams   "A chameleon will not change the dignified walking steps of his forefathers just because the bush is on fire." Ubuntu African Proverb.        -  Still no sugar available, even coffee is sold either quite expensive in supermarkets or in a low quantity (200 grams per customer) in specialist coffee shops. The price for tea has also gone up considerably. Folks in Arabic countries in particular love their coffee, tea and sugar. Never expected this to happen here. In view of many suffering from diabetics perhaps not such a bad thing the lack of sugar, but there are still lots of quite sugary products. An increasing number of imported medicines continue to disappear from the pharmacy shelves. If you are lucky a suitable substitute item is meanwhile produced in Tunisia. Wish folks here would learn from Cuba. For centuries they cooped quite well in spite of many restrictions imposed by various US governments. Cuban citizens are amazingly creative when it comes to finding solutions utilizing what little is available. In addition they in general remained cheerful, not always crumbling (like in other not well off/poor countries.) And they have very beautiful music that puts one in a good mood. - Most nights there is no water coming from the tap, at changing times, I think those in charge of the household water supply (Sonnet) are playing with us or is it to teach folks that they can't rely on water always being available? Anyhow, it doesn't seem to impress those who love to waste water in Sousse, not even at the much higher charge. But anyhow, it is advisable not to drink it but buy Mineral water, if you can afford this. We buy a lot, in particular in summer. Just as well these plastic bottles are collected by folks with little or no income. They smile when we handover our collection, much better than searching for the plastic among the rubbish, the usual procedure, very sad. It is getting really hot, at present 47 degree centigrade. My cats are flat on the floor, poor darlings. At least they don't have to look where they can find food and water in this heat. But they don't appear to be healthier in summer. There are various viruses, in particular the Calcivirus, effecting theeth and gum, causing fiever, loss of weight, hopefully not also bad kidneys, liver and blood values. In general cats immune system is not strong here, in particular concerning those poor darlings that are living on the street (often kicked out for convienence by hard - hearted guys). Eyes, nose and ears are the main problem zones. It keeps me on my toes, guess it is what I led myself into, when I decided to help as many so called "stray cats" as possible, not making beauty a reason to be accepted. Nonetheless really gorgeous ferals are also part of my big cat family. Lulu is the latest new member, he is lovely (beige and white soft fur), but unfortunately blind. I have cats with only one eye, managing perfectly well in my house, but completely blind is a problem, too many obstacles. A flat would be ideal and I may add that Lulu is a clean boy who uses his toilet. I hope I can find a solution for my sweet boy. When I dicovered him in front of my door, he seemed to be doing well, utilizing my offer of food and water for homeless cats. But a closer look at him revealed eyes that appeared to be popping out. I took him to my vet and Lulu is much better now, but it was too late to save his eyes, 1 looks almost okay, the other one may have to be removed as it can effect his brain, poor little treasure. Why do animals have to suffer so much? - An unfortunate and very sad development here is the discrimination and violance against folks from various African countries with darker skin. Some kids, youngsters and adults feeI encouraged to spit at or even attack these persons e. g. in Sfax. Strange in view of kids playing outside getting a lot  darker.  I always considered a brown colour of skin to be typical for hot countries, after all it provides a protection against skin cancer. Besides, is very white or pink really more beautiful? Doesn't gold, silver and other jewelery shine more on brown skin? Anyhow, it is scientifically proven that the craddle of mankind stood in West Africa. Until 8000 years ago all humans had dark skin. Should we be ashamed of our ancestors? I hear that Sub-Saharans are criminals, they steal, rob and abuse, sexually harrasse woman, want to destroy Tunisia.  All evil comes from them, they are to blame for all shortcomings, concerning basic foods, medicine, rising prices, lack of jobs, etc. So those who commit crimes here originate from sub-saharan countries and my handbag was robbed by 2 young men on a motorbike who used a lot of bleech on their skin, just like the burglar who tried to enter our house. Now that many dark coloured people, men, women and children are forced to or volantarily leaving Tunisia, we get a paradise here, no more stealing, save streets, no more rubbish dumping (in front of my house and many other places), no more animal abuse, stone throwing, disrespect, etc...... You wish!  The uneducated are happy to have a scapegoat and started a witch hunt. The murder of a man in Sfax in particular encouraged them, even after those responsible have been arrested (3 men from Kamerun). Don't they know that Tunisian too commit capital crimes in either countries? By the way, in Sfax certain shameless Tunisians charge approx. 3000 Dinar (970 Dollar) for a dangerous trip in a badly constructed tin boat with up to 38 persons, including occasionally watered down petrol and car tyres for lifeboats. This will hopefully be stopped soon. As our president declared: "We are also very proud Africans", I hope that our African brothers and sisters will in future be treated with lots of dignity and empathy and experience more solidarity. Africa is a much bigger continent than Europe, united we could achieve so much.